XenForo 1.X [1.0.2c][TH] Email Idle Users


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Level 5

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14 Décembre 2015
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XenForo : Ici

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Description :
Sends an email to users that haven't visited your site within a specified number of days. It then sends a follow up email a few days later.

The number of days after which to send both emails can be changed in the options for this add-on, and the email that is sent is fully customizable from the options screen in the Admin Control Panel. It is also possible to limit the number of emails sent out in a single day and exclude certain users from receiving emails.

Automatically email users who haven't logged in recently
Specify the number of idle days after which users should be emailed
Completely customize the email sent to idle users
Set the maximum number of emails sent each day
Exclude specific users from receiving these automated emails

Cdt , <_ViiPeRz/>
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