[4.1.2]WHMCS Client Area for WordPress by WHMpress


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14 Décembre 2015
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Description :
Compatibile with WHMCS 7.2

For existing customers: We are happy to release new WHMCS Client Area based on WHMCS API. Although it is a whole new product with name WHMCS Client Area API (WCAP in short), we are offering it under the same account to support existing customers. Please note that Existing customers should treat it as a new product when it comes to upgrading. They will need to uninstall the legacy client area plugin completely then install and configure this API based client area. Please read upgrade instructions here: http://docs.whmpress.com/wcap/getting-started-whmcs-client-area/

If you are looking for an alternate to WHMCS-Bridge with one-time payment and life-time updates, you are at right place.

This plugin works with and without WHMpress which offers you all pricing components, tabls, comobos, buttons, lists and ajax domain search in bewteen WP content pages

WHMCS Client Area brings client area within WP. Having this addon will integrate your billing, support and and all other WHMCS operations that can performed after login only. This integration will provide your customers a user-friendly and consistent customer experience. Adding value to your WP website, the add-on will help you to keep your clients at your WordPress site.

Intelligent Styling
By design, it works with any WP theme, And the styling is not any more depended on your WHMCS styling.

Hide Unwanted WHMCS Sections
Since it is based on WHMCS API, it will not fetch whole WHMCS frontend as its. Instead, it communicates with WHMCS in the background. So there is no more need to do extra efforts on hiding parts that you do not use. Giving you cleaner and cluter free code

Language Options
This is a great feature for hosts who have multilingual websites. Unlike other WP-WHMCS bridge solutions in the market, WHMpress Client Area is designed to follow WP language it self. You still have the options to use a particular language using WHMpress client area > settings or use the one selected in WHMCS.

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