XenForo 1.X [2.0.2]Brivium - Documentations Creator


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14 Décembre 2015
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Description :
Creating a document to instruct or provide for users is not the default. Thus, to make your document more stunning, we introduce you a tool for making gorgeous documents in your forums.

Documentations Creator could allow users to create unlimited number of documents at the front-end. Each document has unlimited number of sections that you could scroll on document Panel view. Users have permission to edit, create, delete and view documents or any sections. The Administrator could choose how many documents and sections were set per page. This is a supportive design for users.

- Ability to grant permission to create unlimited documents at the front-end.
- Each document has unlimited section that scrollable on document view.
- Ability to manage document's category.
- Ability to count documentation views.
- Permission can edit document.
- Permission can create new document.
- Permission can view documentations.
- Permission can delete section.
- Permission can delete document.
- Option to set document per page.
- Option to set section per page.
- Fully support responsive design.

Cdt , <_ViiPeRz/>
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