Meilleur module d'extension ! Feather Board Plugin ! Leaked Prenium Spigot


l'Affirmé 🥈
Level 1

Torrents Stats

29 Août 2020

  1. 5000+ efficient placeholders [No reflecting, cached when needed if the plugin didn't do this, very fast parsing] + ~5000 custom placeholders added by the community
  2. A lot of preset animations that you can use
  3. Easy to configure, but with the possibility to make it more advanced
    1. You can use tools such as AnimationCreator to create stunning animations
  4. Supports up to 1024 character long lines on 1.13 or above
  5. Supports any scoreboard or team plugin such as McMMO, HealthBar, ColoredTags, Citizens2, ...
  6. Original no flicker plugin with stable core
  7. No lag [Can even run on a Raspberry Pi]
    1. Efficient placeholder parsing: Only placeholders used in the config are used
    2. Efficient animation and placeholder caching: Placeholders are cached when the plugin doesn't do this (usually smaller plugins where the API directly connects to a database). Animations are cached several frames before sending so it doesn't 'stutter' the scoreboard without actually taking up heaps of memory.
    3. Efficient sending
  8. No flicker (Some plugins claim to also have this, but usually just change the scoreboard lines or use a "buffer"). This plugin combines no flicker with no lag
  9. Change/Animated the scoreboard numbers on the side. Event use placeholders to update their values
  10. Hide/Show lines during animations
  11. Support from MC 1.6 to 1.13 and above
  12. Many updates
  13. Event triggered scoreboard to show relevant scoreboards based on what the player is doing
  14. Assign scoreboards based on groups, permissions, worlds
  15. Internal Developer API and external Placeholder API (MVdWPlaceholderAPI) to add your own placeholders
  16. In depth placeholder configuration to define what they return
  17. Players can toggle boards on and off
  18. Toggled scoreboard can be stored in a database to save their choice after server restarts.
  19. Players can switch between boards
  20. Console or an OP can switch scoreboards of other players
  21. Create super advanced scoreboards that contain "quick settings" and javascript


Below are the server requirements and the supported scoreboard update methods with their properties for that server version.

If your server software is not listed it is most likely not supported!
Always use the latest release of each minor version (eg. 1.8.8, 1.12.2,...)

  • CraftBukkit/Spigot/PaperSpigot/PaperClip
    • 1.7.10
        • Title width: 32
        • Line width:: 26-28
        • Line width with static lines: 60
        • Amount of lines: 15 + 1 title
    • 1.8
        • Title width: 32
        • Line width: 26-28
        • Amount of lines: 15 + 1 title
        • Title width: 32
        • Line width: 68-70
        • Amount of lines: 15 + 1 title
        • Title width: 32
        • Line width: 26-28
        • Amount of lines: 15 + 1 title
        • Supports all scoreboards (HealthBar, ...)
    • 1.9 - 1.12
        • Title width: 32
        • Line width: 26-28
        • Line width with static lines: 60
        • Amount of lines: 15 + 1 title
        • Title width: 32
        • Line width: 68-70
        • Amount of lines: 15 + 1 title
        • Compatible with all scoreboard/team plugins
        • Less RAM and CPU usage
        • Title width: 32
        • Line width: 26-28
        • Line width with static lines: 60
        • Amount of lines: 15 + 1 title
    • 1.13
      • ANTI_FLICKER_V1:
      • Title width: 1024 characters
      • Line width: AS LONG AS YOU WANT
        • Compatible with all scoreboard/team plugins
        • Less RAM and CPU usage
        • Title width: 1024 characters
        • Line width: AS LONG AS YOU WANT
        • Amount of lines: 15 + 1 title
  • Cauldron/KCauldron
    • 1.7.10: Everything is compatible except for ANTI_FLICKER_V2 (beta feature) and hover-able commands such as /featherboard placeholders and /featherboard permissions
      • Title width: 32
      • Line width with anti flicker v1: 26-28
      • Line width without anti flicker: 16
      • Line width with static lines: 40
      • Amount of lines: 15 + 1 title
Required server hardware:
The plugin can run on very low hardware. The only requirement is a good connection between your bungeecord and servers when using very fast animations.

Required dependencies:

  • MVdWPlaceholderAPI 2+: Required for placeholders/start the plugin
    The plugin won't start without this. Lien Supprimé ou HS
Optional dependencies:

  • MVdWUpdater: For updating


Originally scoreboards were never intended by Mojang to contain whatever information you want. Originally they only showed a title, players and their score. Due to some clever tricks I was able to get Anti flicker V1 and V2 to use these scoreboards for high speed animations. However there are still limitations that exist on all scoreboard plugins.

  • The red numbers on the side can no be removed - they can however be altered by placeholders or static numbers (see configuration wiki)
  • The plugin supports all other team or scoreboard plugins!!! It can run HealthBar, ColoredTags or any team plugin you wish without problems. They do not need to be packet based
  • Protocol changing plugins that allow 1.13 servers to support players below 1.13 are not supported. This is due to the many scoreboard changes in 1.13.




Lien spigot (source) : Lien Supprimé ou HS

Téléchargement : [<b>Contenu masqué</b>]


l'Actif 🥉
Level 1

Torrents Stats

14 Juillet 2020

  1. 5000+ efficient placeholders [No reflecting, cached when needed if the plugin didn't do this, very fast parsing] + ~5000 custom placeholders added by the community
  2. A lot of preset animations that you can use
  3. Easy to configure, but with the possibility to make it more advanced
    1. You can use tools such as AnimationCreator to create stunning animations
  4. Supports up to 1024 character long lines on 1.13 or above
  5. Supports any scoreboard or team plugin such as McMMO, HealthBar, ColoredTags, Citizens2, ...
  6. Original no flicker plugin with stable core
  7. No lag [Can even run on a Raspberry Pi]
    1. Efficient placeholder parsing: Only placeholders used in the config are used
    2. Efficient animation and placeholder caching: Placeholders are cached when the plugin doesn't do this (usually smaller plugins where the API directly connects to a database). Animations are cached several frames before sending so it doesn't 'stutter' the scoreboard without actually taking up heaps of memory.
    3. Efficient sending
  8. No flicker (Some plugins claim to also have this, but usually just change the scoreboard lines or use a "buffer"). This plugin combines no flicker with no lag
  9. Change/Animated the scoreboard numbers on the side. Event use placeholders to update their values
  10. Hide/Show lines during animations
  11. Support from MC 1.6 to 1.13 and above
  12. Many updates
  13. Event triggered scoreboard to show relevant scoreboards based on what the player is doing
  14. Assign scoreboards based on groups, permissions, worlds
  15. Internal Developer API and external Placeholder API (MVdWPlaceholderAPI) to add your own placeholders
  16. In depth placeholder configuration to define what they return
  17. Players can toggle boards on and off
  18. Toggled scoreboard can be stored in a database to save their choice after server restarts.
  19. Players can switch between boards
  20. Console or an OP can switch scoreboards of other players
  21. Create super advanced scoreboards that contain "quick settings" and javascript


Below are the server requirements and the supported scoreboard update methods with their properties for that server version.

If your server software is not listed it is most likely not supported!
Always use the latest release of each minor version (eg. 1.8.8, 1.12.2,...)

  • CraftBukkit/Spigot/PaperSpigot/PaperClip
    • 1.7.10
        • Title width: 32
        • Line width:: 26-28
        • Line width with static lines: 60
        • Amount of lines: 15 + 1 title
    • 1.8
        • Title width: 32
        • Line width: 26-28
        • Amount of lines: 15 + 1 title
        • Title width: 32
        • Line width: 68-70
        • Amount of lines: 15 + 1 title
        • Title width: 32
        • Line width: 26-28
        • Amount of lines: 15 + 1 title
        • Supports all scoreboards (HealthBar, ...)
    • 1.9 - 1.12
        • Title width: 32
        • Line width: 26-28
        • Line width with static lines: 60
        • Amount of lines: 15 + 1 title
        • Title width: 32
        • Line width: 68-70
        • Amount of lines: 15 + 1 title
        • Compatible with all scoreboard/team plugins
        • Less RAM and CPU usage
        • Title width: 32
        • Line width: 26-28
        • Line width with static lines: 60
        • Amount of lines: 15 + 1 title
    • 1.13
      • ANTI_FLICKER_V1:
      • Title width: 1024 characters
      • Line width: AS LONG AS YOU WANT
        • Compatible with all scoreboard/team plugins
        • Less RAM and CPU usage
        • Title width: 1024 characters
        • Line width: AS LONG AS YOU WANT
        • Amount of lines: 15 + 1 title
  • Cauldron/KCauldron
    • 1.7.10: Everything is compatible except for ANTI_FLICKER_V2 (beta feature) and hover-able commands such as /featherboard placeholders and /featherboard permissions
      • Title width: 32
      • Line width with anti flicker v1: 26-28
      • Line width without anti flicker: 16
      • Line width with static lines: 40
      • Amount of lines: 15 + 1 title
Required server hardware:
The plugin can run on very low hardware. The only requirement is a good connection between your bungeecord and servers when using very fast animations.

Required dependencies:

Optional dependencies:

  • MVdWUpdater: For updating


Originally scoreboards were never intended by Mojang to contain whatever information you want. Originally they only showed a title, players and their score. Due to some clever tricks I was able to get Anti flicker V1 and V2 to use these scoreboards for high speed animations. However there are still limitations that exist on all scoreboard plugins.

  • The red numbers on the side can no be removed - they can however be altered by placeholders or static numbers (see configuration wiki)
  • The plugin supports all other team or scoreboard plugins!!! It can run HealthBar, ColoredTags or any team plugin you wish without problems. They do not need to be packet based
  • Protocol changing plugins that allow 1.13 servers to support players below 1.13 are not supported. This is due to the many scoreboard changes in 1.13.




Lien spigot (source) :

Téléchargement : [<b>Contenu masqué</b>]
Merci !


l'Affirmé 🥈
Level 1

Torrents Stats

24 Juin 2020
merci beaucoup pour ce plugin


Membre 🏅
Level 1

Torrents Stats

6 Juillet 2020

  1. 5000+ efficient placeholders [No reflecting, cached when needed if the plugin didn't do this, very fast parsing] + ~5000 custom placeholders added by the community
  2. A lot of preset animations that you can use
  3. Easy to configure, but with the possibility to make it more advanced
    1. You can use tools such as AnimationCreator to create stunning animations
  4. Supports up to 1024 character long lines on 1.13 or above
  5. Supports any scoreboard or team plugin such as McMMO, HealthBar, ColoredTags, Citizens2, ...
  6. Original no flicker plugin with stable core
  7. No lag [Can even run on a Raspberry Pi]
    1. Efficient placeholder parsing: Only placeholders used in the config are used
    2. Efficient animation and placeholder caching: Placeholders are cached when the plugin doesn't do this (usually smaller plugins where the API directly connects to a database). Animations are cached several frames before sending so it doesn't 'stutter' the scoreboard without actually taking up heaps of memory.
    3. Efficient sending
  8. No flicker (Some plugins claim to also have this, but usually just change the scoreboard lines or use a "buffer"). This plugin combines no flicker with no lag
  9. Change/Animated the scoreboard numbers on the side. Event use placeholders to update their values
  10. Hide/Show lines during animations
  11. Support from MC 1.6 to 1.13 and above
  12. Many updates
  13. Event triggered scoreboard to show relevant scoreboards based on what the player is doing
  14. Assign scoreboards based on groups, permissions, worlds
  15. Internal Developer API and external Placeholder API (MVdWPlaceholderAPI) to add your own placeholders
  16. In depth placeholder configuration to define what they return
  17. Players can toggle boards on and off
  18. Toggled scoreboard can be stored in a database to save their choice after server restarts.
  19. Players can switch between boards
  20. Console or an OP can switch scoreboards of other players
  21. Create super advanced scoreboards that contain "quick settings" and javascript


Below are the server requirements and the supported scoreboard update methods with their properties for that server version.

If your server software is not listed it is most likely not supported!
Always use the latest release of each minor version (eg. 1.8.8, 1.12.2,...)

  • CraftBukkit/Spigot/PaperSpigot/PaperClip
    • 1.7.10
        • Title width: 32
        • Line width:: 26-28
        • Line width with static lines: 60
        • Amount of lines: 15 + 1 title
    • 1.8
        • Title width: 32
        • Line width: 26-28
        • Amount of lines: 15 + 1 title
        • Title width: 32
        • Line width: 68-70
        • Amount of lines: 15 + 1 title
        • Title width: 32
        • Line width: 26-28
        • Amount of lines: 15 + 1 title
        • Supports all scoreboards (HealthBar, ...)
    • 1.9 - 1.12
        • Title width: 32
        • Line width: 26-28
        • Line width with static lines: 60
        • Amount of lines: 15 + 1 title
        • Title width: 32
        • Line width: 68-70
        • Amount of lines: 15 + 1 title
        • Compatible with all scoreboard/team plugins
        • Less RAM and CPU usage
        • Title width: 32
        • Line width: 26-28
        • Line width with static lines: 60
        • Amount of lines: 15 + 1 title
    • 1.13
      • ANTI_FLICKER_V1:
      • Title width: 1024 characters
      • Line width: AS LONG AS YOU WANT
        • Compatible with all scoreboard/team plugins
        • Less RAM and CPU usage
        • Title width: 1024 characters
        • Line width: AS LONG AS YOU WANT
        • Amount of lines: 15 + 1 title
  • Cauldron/KCauldron
    • 1.7.10: Everything is compatible except for ANTI_FLICKER_V2 (beta feature) and hover-able commands such as /featherboard placeholders and /featherboard permissions
      • Title width: 32
      • Line width with anti flicker v1: 26-28
      • Line width without anti flicker: 16
      • Line width with static lines: 40
      • Amount of lines: 15 + 1 title
Required server hardware:
The plugin can run on very low hardware. The only requirement is a good connection between your bungeecord and servers when using very fast animations.

Required dependencies:

Optional dependencies:

  • MVdWUpdater: For updating


Originally scoreboards were never intended by Mojang to contain whatever information you want. Originally they only showed a title, players and their score. Due to some clever tricks I was able to get Anti flicker V1 and V2 to use these scoreboards for high speed animations. However there are still limitations that exist on all scoreboard plugins.

  • The red numbers on the side can no be removed - they can however be altered by placeholders or static numbers (see configuration wiki)
  • The plugin supports all other team or scoreboard plugins!!! It can run HealthBar, ColoredTags or any team plugin you wish without problems. They do not need to be packet based
  • Protocol changing plugins that allow 1.13 servers to support players below 1.13 are not supported. This is due to the many scoreboard changes in 1.13.




Lien spigot (source) :

Téléchargement : [<b>Contenu masqué</b>]
Merci frérot


Membre 🏅
Level 1

Torrents Stats

6 Juillet 2020

  1. 5000+ efficient placeholders [No reflecting, cached when needed if the plugin didn't do this, very fast parsing] + ~5000 custom placeholders added by the community
  2. A lot of preset animations that you can use
  3. Easy to configure, but with the possibility to make it more advanced
    1. You can use tools such as AnimationCreator to create stunning animations
  4. Supports up to 1024 character long lines on 1.13 or above
  5. Supports any scoreboard or team plugin such as McMMO, HealthBar, ColoredTags, Citizens2, ...
  6. Original no flicker plugin with stable core
  7. No lag [Can even run on a Raspberry Pi]
    1. Efficient placeholder parsing: Only placeholders used in the config are used
    2. Efficient animation and placeholder caching: Placeholders are cached when the plugin doesn't do this (usually smaller plugins where the API directly connects to a database). Animations are cached several frames before sending so it doesn't 'stutter' the scoreboard without actually taking up heaps of memory.
    3. Efficient sending
  8. No flicker (Some plugins claim to also have this, but usually just change the scoreboard lines or use a "buffer"). This plugin combines no flicker with no lag
  9. Change/Animated the scoreboard numbers on the side. Event use placeholders to update their values
  10. Hide/Show lines during animations
  11. Support from MC 1.6 to 1.13 and above
  12. Many updates
  13. Event triggered scoreboard to show relevant scoreboards based on what the player is doing
  14. Assign scoreboards based on groups, permissions, worlds
  15. Internal Developer API and external Placeholder API (MVdWPlaceholderAPI) to add your own placeholders
  16. In depth placeholder configuration to define what they return
  17. Players can toggle boards on and off
  18. Toggled scoreboard can be stored in a database to save their choice after server restarts.
  19. Players can switch between boards
  20. Console or an OP can switch scoreboards of other players
  21. Create super advanced scoreboards that contain "quick settings" and javascript


Below are the server requirements and the supported scoreboard update methods with their properties for that server version.

If your server software is not listed it is most likely not supported!
Always use the latest release of each minor version (eg. 1.8.8, 1.12.2,...)

  • CraftBukkit/Spigot/PaperSpigot/PaperClip
    • 1.7.10
        • Title width: 32
        • Line width:: 26-28
        • Line width with static lines: 60
        • Amount of lines: 15 + 1 title
    • 1.8
        • Title width: 32
        • Line width: 26-28
        • Amount of lines: 15 + 1 title
        • Title width: 32
        • Line width: 68-70
        • Amount of lines: 15 + 1 title
        • Title width: 32
        • Line width: 26-28
        • Amount of lines: 15 + 1 title
        • Supports all scoreboards (HealthBar, ...)
    • 1.9 - 1.12
        • Title width: 32
        • Line width: 26-28
        • Line width with static lines: 60
        • Amount of lines: 15 + 1 title
        • Title width: 32
        • Line width: 68-70
        • Amount of lines: 15 + 1 title
        • Compatible with all scoreboard/team plugins
        • Less RAM and CPU usage
        • Title width: 32
        • Line width: 26-28
        • Line width with static lines: 60
        • Amount of lines: 15 + 1 title
    • 1.13
      • ANTI_FLICKER_V1:
      • Title width: 1024 characters
      • Line width: AS LONG AS YOU WANT
        • Compatible with all scoreboard/team plugins
        • Less RAM and CPU usage
        • Title width: 1024 characters
        • Line width: AS LONG AS YOU WANT
        • Amount of lines: 15 + 1 title
  • Cauldron/KCauldron
    • 1.7.10: Everything is compatible except for ANTI_FLICKER_V2 (beta feature) and hover-able commands such as /featherboard placeholders and /featherboard permissions
      • Title width: 32
      • Line width with anti flicker v1: 26-28
      • Line width without anti flicker: 16
      • Line width with static lines: 40
      • Amount of lines: 15 + 1 title
Required server hardware:
The plugin can run on very low hardware. The only requirement is a good connection between your bungeecord and servers when using very fast animations.

Required dependencies:

Optional dependencies:

  • MVdWUpdater: For updating


Originally scoreboards were never intended by Mojang to contain whatever information you want. Originally they only showed a title, players and their score. Due to some clever tricks I was able to get Anti flicker V1 and V2 to use these scoreboards for high speed animations. However there are still limitations that exist on all scoreboard plugins.

  • The red numbers on the side can no be removed - they can however be altered by placeholders or static numbers (see configuration wiki)
  • The plugin supports all other team or scoreboard plugins!!! It can run HealthBar, ColoredTags or any team plugin you wish without problems. They do not need to be packet based
  • Protocol changing plugins that allow 1.13 servers to support players below 1.13 are not supported. This is due to the many scoreboard changes in 1.13.




Lien spigot (source) :

Téléchargement : [<b>Contenu masqué</b>]
Merci frérot


Master 🏆
Level 1

Torrents Stats

28 Mars 2018
Thx so much i hope it will be gonna work !


Master 🏆
Level 1

Torrents Stats

15 Août 2017

  1. 5000+ efficient placeholders [No reflecting, cached when needed if the plugin didn't do this, very fast parsing] + ~5000 custom placeholders added by the community
  2. A lot of preset animations that you can use
  3. Easy to configure, but with the possibility to make it more advanced
    1. You can use tools such as AnimationCreator to create stunning animations
  4. Supports up to 1024 character long lines on 1.13 or above
  5. Supports any scoreboard or team plugin such as McMMO, HealthBar, ColoredTags, Citizens2, ...
  6. Original no flicker plugin with stable core
  7. No lag [Can even run on a Raspberry Pi]
    1. Efficient placeholder parsing: Only placeholders used in the config are used
    2. Efficient animation and placeholder caching: Placeholders are cached when the plugin doesn't do this (usually smaller plugins where the API directly connects to a database). Animations are cached several frames before sending so it doesn't 'stutter' the scoreboard without actually taking up heaps of memory.
    3. Efficient sending
  8. No flicker (Some plugins claim to also have this, but usually just change the scoreboard lines or use a "buffer"). This plugin combines no flicker with no lag
  9. Change/Animated the scoreboard numbers on the side. Event use placeholders to update their values
  10. Hide/Show lines during animations
  11. Support from MC 1.6 to 1.13 and above
  12. Many updates
  13. Event triggered scoreboard to show relevant scoreboards based on what the player is doing
  14. Assign scoreboards based on groups, permissions, worlds
  15. Internal Developer API and external Placeholder API (MVdWPlaceholderAPI) to add your own placeholders
  16. In depth placeholder configuration to define what they return
  17. Players can toggle boards on and off
  18. Toggled scoreboard can be stored in a database to save their choice after server restarts.
  19. Players can switch between boards
  20. Console or an OP can switch scoreboards of other players
  21. Create super advanced scoreboards that contain "quick settings" and javascript


Below are the server requirements and the supported scoreboard update methods with their properties for that server version.

If your server software is not listed it is most likely not supported!
Always use the latest release of each minor version (eg. 1.8.8, 1.12.2,...)

  • CraftBukkit/Spigot/PaperSpigot/PaperClip
    • 1.7.10
        • Title width: 32
        • Line width:: 26-28
        • Line width with static lines: 60
        • Amount of lines: 15 + 1 title
    • 1.8
        • Title width: 32
        • Line width: 26-28
        • Amount of lines: 15 + 1 title
        • Title width: 32
        • Line width: 68-70
        • Amount of lines: 15 + 1 title
        • Title width: 32
        • Line width: 26-28
        • Amount of lines: 15 + 1 title
        • Supports all scoreboards (HealthBar, ...)
    • 1.9 - 1.12
        • Title width: 32
        • Line width: 26-28
        • Line width with static lines: 60
        • Amount of lines: 15 + 1 title
        • Title width: 32
        • Line width: 68-70
        • Amount of lines: 15 + 1 title
        • Compatible with all scoreboard/team plugins
        • Less RAM and CPU usage
        • Title width: 32
        • Line width: 26-28
        • Line width with static lines: 60
        • Amount of lines: 15 + 1 title
    • 1.13
      • ANTI_FLICKER_V1:
      • Title width: 1024 characters
      • Line width: AS LONG AS YOU WANT
        • Compatible with all scoreboard/team plugins
        • Less RAM and CPU usage
        • Title width: 1024 characters
        • Line width: AS LONG AS YOU WANT
        • Amount of lines: 15 + 1 title
  • Cauldron/KCauldron
    • 1.7.10: Everything is compatible except for ANTI_FLICKER_V2 (beta feature) and hover-able commands such as /featherboard placeholders and /featherboard permissions
      • Title width: 32
      • Line width with anti flicker v1: 26-28
      • Line width without anti flicker: 16
      • Line width with static lines: 40
      • Amount of lines: 15 + 1 title
Required server hardware:
The plugin can run on very low hardware. The only requirement is a good connection between your bungeecord and servers when using very fast animations.

Required dependencies:

Optional dependencies:

  • MVdWUpdater: For updating


Originally scoreboards were never intended by Mojang to contain whatever information you want. Originally they only showed a title, players and their score. Due to some clever tricks I was able to get Anti flicker V1 and V2 to use these scoreboards for high speed animations. However there are still limitations that exist on all scoreboard plugins.

  • The red numbers on the side can no be removed - they can however be altered by placeholders or static numbers (see configuration wiki)
  • The plugin supports all other team or scoreboard plugins!!! It can run HealthBar, ColoredTags or any team plugin you wish without problems. They do not need to be packet based
  • Protocol changing plugins that allow 1.13 servers to support players below 1.13 are not supported. This is due to the many scoreboard changes in 1.13.




Lien spigot (source) :

Téléchargement : [<b>Contenu masqué</b>]
c'est caréré meric bg

ɴĸz prodυcтιoɴ ™

Master 🏆
Level 1

Torrents Stats

14 Décembre 2017
merci du partage l'ami je vaistest !


Master 🏆
Level 1

Torrents Stats

18 Décembre 2015
Merci beaucoup mec pour ce plugins


l'Affirmé 🥈
Level 1

Torrents Stats

31 Juillet 2019

  1. 5000+ efficient placeholders [No reflecting, cached when needed if the plugin didn't do this, very fast parsing] + ~5000 custom placeholders added by the community
  2. A lot of preset animations that you can use
  3. Easy to configure, but with the possibility to make it more advanced
    1. You can use tools such as AnimationCreator to create stunning animations
  4. Supports up to 1024 character long lines on 1.13 or above
  5. Supports any scoreboard or team plugin such as McMMO, HealthBar, ColoredTags, Citizens2, ...
  6. Original no flicker plugin with stable core
  7. No lag [Can even run on a Raspberry Pi]
    1. Efficient placeholder parsing: Only placeholders used in the config are used
    2. Efficient animation and placeholder caching: Placeholders are cached when the plugin doesn't do this (usually smaller plugins where the API directly connects to a database). Animations are cached several frames before sending so it doesn't 'stutter' the scoreboard without actually taking up heaps of memory.
    3. Efficient sending
  8. No flicker (Some plugins claim to also have this, but usually just change the scoreboard lines or use a "buffer"). This plugin combines no flicker with no lag
  9. Change/Animated the scoreboard numbers on the side. Event use placeholders to update their values
  10. Hide/Show lines during animations
  11. Support from MC 1.6 to 1.13 and above
  12. Many updates
  13. Event triggered scoreboard to show relevant scoreboards based on what the player is doing
  14. Assign scoreboards based on groups, permissions, worlds
  15. Internal Developer API and external Placeholder API (MVdWPlaceholderAPI) to add your own placeholders
  16. In depth placeholder configuration to define what they return
  17. Players can toggle boards on and off
  18. Toggled scoreboard can be stored in a database to save their choice after server restarts.
  19. Players can switch between boards
  20. Console or an OP can switch scoreboards of other players
  21. Create super advanced scoreboards that contain "quick settings" and javascript


Below are the server requirements and the supported scoreboard update methods with their properties for that server version.

If your server software is not listed it is most likely not supported!
Always use the latest release of each minor version (eg. 1.8.8, 1.12.2,...)

  • CraftBukkit/Spigot/PaperSpigot/PaperClip
    • 1.7.10
        • Title width: 32
        • Line width:: 26-28
        • Line width with static lines: 60
        • Amount of lines: 15 + 1 title
    • 1.8
        • Title width: 32
        • Line width: 26-28
        • Amount of lines: 15 + 1 title
        • Title width: 32
        • Line width: 68-70
        • Amount of lines: 15 + 1 title
        • Title width: 32
        • Line width: 26-28
        • Amount of lines: 15 + 1 title
        • Supports all scoreboards (HealthBar, ...)
    • 1.9 - 1.12
        • Title width: 32
        • Line width: 26-28
        • Line width with static lines: 60
        • Amount of lines: 15 + 1 title
        • Title width: 32
        • Line width: 68-70
        • Amount of lines: 15 + 1 title
        • Compatible with all scoreboard/team plugins
        • Less RAM and CPU usage
        • Title width: 32
        • Line width: 26-28
        • Line width with static lines: 60
        • Amount of lines: 15 + 1 title
    • 1.13
      • ANTI_FLICKER_V1:
      • Title width: 1024 characters
      • Line width: AS LONG AS YOU WANT
        • Compatible with all scoreboard/team plugins
        • Less RAM and CPU usage
        • Title width: 1024 characters
        • Line width: AS LONG AS YOU WANT
        • Amount of lines: 15 + 1 title
  • Cauldron/KCauldron
    • 1.7.10: Everything is compatible except for ANTI_FLICKER_V2 (beta feature) and hover-able commands such as /featherboard placeholders and /featherboard permissions
      • Title width: 32
      • Line width with anti flicker v1: 26-28
      • Line width without anti flicker: 16
      • Line width with static lines: 40
      • Amount of lines: 15 + 1 title
Required server hardware:
The plugin can run on very low hardware. The only requirement is a good connection between your bungeecord and servers when using very fast animations.

Required dependencies:

Optional dependencies:

  • MVdWUpdater: For updating


Originally scoreboards were never intended by Mojang to contain whatever information you want. Originally they only showed a title, players and their score. Due to some clever tricks I was able to get Anti flicker V1 and V2 to use these scoreboards for high speed animations. However there are still limitations that exist on all scoreboard plugins.

  • The red numbers on the side can no be removed - they can however be altered by placeholders or static numbers (see configuration wiki)
  • The plugin supports all other team or scoreboard plugins!!! It can run HealthBar, ColoredTags or any team plugin you wish without problems. They do not need to be packet based
  • Protocol changing plugins that allow 1.13 servers to support players below 1.13 are not supported. This is due to the many scoreboard changes in 1.13.




Lien spigot (source) :

Téléchargement : [<b>Contenu masqué</b>]
Good boys

[TOZ] Lenni Kim

l'Accru 🥇
Level 2

Torrents Stats

17 Août 2017
Merci bcp pour ça t'es un bon frérot


l'Actif 🥉
Level 1

Torrents Stats

28 Décembre 2020

  1. 5000+ efficient placeholders [No reflecting, cached when needed if the plugin didn't do this, very fast parsing] + ~5000 custom placeholders added by the community
  2. A lot of preset animations that you can use
  3. Easy to configure, but with the possibility to make it more advanced
    1. You can use tools such as AnimationCreator to create stunning animations
  4. Supports up to 1024 character long lines on 1.13 or above
  5. Supports any scoreboard or team plugin such as McMMO, HealthBar, ColoredTags, Citizens2, ...
  6. Original no flicker plugin with stable core
  7. No lag [Can even run on a Raspberry Pi]
    1. Efficient placeholder parsing: Only placeholders used in the config are used
    2. Efficient animation and placeholder caching: Placeholders are cached when the plugin doesn't do this (usually smaller plugins where the API directly connects to a database). Animations are cached several frames before sending so it doesn't 'stutter' the scoreboard without actually taking up heaps of memory.
    3. Efficient sending
  8. No flicker (Some plugins claim to also have this, but usually just change the scoreboard lines or use a "buffer"). This plugin combines no flicker with no lag
  9. Change/Animated the scoreboard numbers on the side. Event use placeholders to update their values
  10. Hide/Show lines during animations
  11. Support from MC 1.6 to 1.13 and above
  12. Many updates
  13. Event triggered scoreboard to show relevant scoreboards based on what the player is doing
  14. Assign scoreboards based on groups, permissions, worlds
  15. Internal Developer API and external Placeholder API (MVdWPlaceholderAPI) to add your own placeholders
  16. In depth placeholder configuration to define what they return
  17. Players can toggle boards on and off
  18. Toggled scoreboard can be stored in a database to save their choice after server restarts.
  19. Players can switch between boards
  20. Console or an OP can switch scoreboards of other players
  21. Create super advanced scoreboards that contain "quick settings" and javascript


Below are the server requirements and the supported scoreboard update methods with their properties for that server version.

If your server software is not listed it is most likely not supported!
Always use the latest release of each minor version (eg. 1.8.8, 1.12.2,...)

  • CraftBukkit/Spigot/PaperSpigot/PaperClip
    • 1.7.10
        • Title width: 32
        • Line width:: 26-28
        • Line width with static lines: 60
        • Amount of lines: 15 + 1 title
    • 1.8
        • Title width: 32
        • Line width: 26-28
        • Amount of lines: 15 + 1 title
        • Title width: 32
        • Line width: 68-70
        • Amount of lines: 15 + 1 title
        • Title width: 32
        • Line width: 26-28
        • Amount of lines: 15 + 1 title
        • Supports all scoreboards (HealthBar, ...)
    • 1.9 - 1.12
        • Title width: 32
        • Line width: 26-28
        • Line width with static lines: 60
        • Amount of lines: 15 + 1 title
        • Title width: 32
        • Line width: 68-70
        • Amount of lines: 15 + 1 title
        • Compatible with all scoreboard/team plugins
        • Less RAM and CPU usage
        • Title width: 32
        • Line width: 26-28
        • Line width with static lines: 60
        • Amount of lines: 15 + 1 title
    • 1.13
      • ANTI_FLICKER_V1:
      • Title width: 1024 characters
      • Line width: AS LONG AS YOU WANT
        • Compatible with all scoreboard/team plugins
        • Less RAM and CPU usage
        • Title width: 1024 characters
        • Line width: AS LONG AS YOU WANT
        • Amount of lines: 15 + 1 title
  • Cauldron/KCauldron
    • 1.7.10: Everything is compatible except for ANTI_FLICKER_V2 (beta feature) and hover-able commands such as /featherboard placeholders and /featherboard permissions
      • Title width: 32
      • Line width with anti flicker v1: 26-28
      • Line width without anti flicker: 16
      • Line width with static lines: 40
      • Amount of lines: 15 + 1 title
Required server hardware:
The plugin can run on very low hardware. The only requirement is a good connection between your bungeecord and servers when using very fast animations.

Required dependencies:

Optional dependencies:

  • MVdWUpdater: For updating


Originally scoreboards were never intended by Mojang to contain whatever information you want. Originally they only showed a title, players and their score. Due to some clever tricks I was able to get Anti flicker V1 and V2 to use these scoreboards for high speed animations. However there are still limitations that exist on all scoreboard plugins.

  • The red numbers on the side can no be removed - they can however be altered by placeholders or static numbers (see configuration wiki)
  • The plugin supports all other team or scoreboard plugins!!! It can run HealthBar, ColoredTags or any team plugin you wish without problems. They do not need to be packet based
  • Protocol changing plugins that allow 1.13 servers to support players below 1.13 are not supported. This is due to the many scoreboard changes in 1.13.




Lien spigot (source) :

Téléchargement : [<b>Contenu masqué</b>]
Merci le boss


l'Actif 🥉
Level 1

Torrents Stats

5 Février 2021
nice (hope it work) sinon comment va la vie ? prc ici c gooud

Félix maga roleplay

Master 🏆
Level 1

Torrents Stats

9 Décembre 2017
hey, merci beaucoup! De plus, il n'est plus disponible sur blackspigot. Merci bg!


l'Accru 🥇
Level 2

Torrents Stats

25 Janvier 2020
Mercé bg tu gères la fougère


Master 🏆
Level 1

Torrents Stats

28 Novembre 2017

  1. 5000+ efficient placeholders [No reflecting, cached when needed if the plugin didn't do this, very fast parsing] + ~5000 custom placeholders added by the community
  2. A lot of preset animations that you can use
  3. Easy to configure, but with the possibility to make it more advanced
    1. You can use tools such as AnimationCreator to create stunning animations
  4. Supports up to 1024 character long lines on 1.13 or above
  5. Supports any scoreboard or team plugin such as McMMO, HealthBar, ColoredTags, Citizens2, ...
  6. Original no flicker plugin with stable core
  7. No lag [Can even run on a Raspberry Pi]
    1. Efficient placeholder parsing: Only placeholders used in the config are used
    2. Efficient animation and placeholder caching: Placeholders are cached when the plugin doesn't do this (usually smaller plugins where the API directly connects to a database). Animations are cached several frames before sending so it doesn't 'stutter' the scoreboard without actually taking up heaps of memory.
    3. Efficient sending
  8. No flicker (Some plugins claim to also have this, but usually just change the scoreboard lines or use a "buffer"). This plugin combines no flicker with no lag
  9. Change/Animated the scoreboard numbers on the side. Event use placeholders to update their values
  10. Hide/Show lines during animations
  11. Support from MC 1.6 to 1.13 and above
  12. Many updates
  13. Event triggered scoreboard to show relevant scoreboards based on what the player is doing
  14. Assign scoreboards based on groups, permissions, worlds
  15. Internal Developer API and external Placeholder API (MVdWPlaceholderAPI) to add your own placeholders
  16. In depth placeholder configuration to define what they return
  17. Players can toggle boards on and off
  18. Toggled scoreboard can be stored in a database to save their choice after server restarts.
  19. Players can switch between boards
  20. Console or an OP can switch scoreboards of other players
  21. Create super advanced scoreboards that contain "quick settings" and javascript


Below are the server requirements and the supported scoreboard update methods with their properties for that server version.

If your server software is not listed it is most likely not supported!
Always use the latest release of each minor version (eg. 1.8.8, 1.12.2,...)

  • CraftBukkit/Spigot/PaperSpigot/PaperClip
    • 1.7.10
        • Title width: 32
        • Line width:: 26-28
        • Line width with static lines: 60
        • Amount of lines: 15 + 1 title
    • 1.8
        • Title width: 32
        • Line width: 26-28
        • Amount of lines: 15 + 1 title
        • Title width: 32
        • Line width: 68-70
        • Amount of lines: 15 + 1 title
        • Title width: 32
        • Line width: 26-28
        • Amount of lines: 15 + 1 title
        • Supports all scoreboards (HealthBar, ...)
    • 1.9 - 1.12
        • Title width: 32
        • Line width: 26-28
        • Line width with static lines: 60
        • Amount of lines: 15 + 1 title
        • Title width: 32
        • Line width: 68-70
        • Amount of lines: 15 + 1 title
        • Compatible with all scoreboard/team plugins
        • Less RAM and CPU usage
        • Title width: 32
        • Line width: 26-28
        • Line width with static lines: 60
        • Amount of lines: 15 + 1 title
    • 1.13
      • ANTI_FLICKER_V1:
      • Title width: 1024 characters
      • Line width: AS LONG AS YOU WANT
        • Compatible with all scoreboard/team plugins
        • Less RAM and CPU usage
        • Title width: 1024 characters
        • Line width: AS LONG AS YOU WANT
        • Amount of lines: 15 + 1 title
  • Cauldron/KCauldron
    • 1.7.10: Everything is compatible except for ANTI_FLICKER_V2 (beta feature) and hover-able commands such as /featherboard placeholders and /featherboard permissions
      • Title width: 32
      • Line width with anti flicker v1: 26-28
      • Line width without anti flicker: 16
      • Line width with static lines: 40
      • Amount of lines: 15 + 1 title
Required server hardware:
The plugin can run on very low hardware. The only requirement is a good connection between your bungeecord and servers when using very fast animations.

Required dependencies:

Optional dependencies:

  • MVdWUpdater: For updating


Originally scoreboards were never intended by Mojang to contain whatever information you want. Originally they only showed a title, players and their score. Due to some clever tricks I was able to get Anti flicker V1 and V2 to use these scoreboards for high speed animations. However there are still limitations that exist on all scoreboard plugins.

  • The red numbers on the side can no be removed - they can however be altered by placeholders or static numbers (see configuration wiki)
  • The plugin supports all other team or scoreboard plugins!!! It can run HealthBar, ColoredTags or any team plugin you wish without problems. They do not need to be packet based
  • Protocol changing plugins that allow 1.13 servers to support players below 1.13 are not supported. This is due to the many scoreboard changes in 1.13.




Lien spigot (source) :

Téléchargement : [<b>Contenu masqué</b>]
merci bg

¢αттєєи -

l'Accru 🥇
Level 1

Torrents Stats

21 Décembre 2017
ti é le sang toi ffrèrot vient j'te larsa


Membre 🏅

Torrents Stats

7 Septembre 2021

  1. 5000+ efficient placeholders [No reflecting, cached when needed if the plugin didn't do this, very fast parsing] + ~5000 custom placeholders added by the community
  2. A lot of preset animations that you can use
  3. Easy to configure, but with the possibility to make it more advanced
    1. You can use tools such as AnimationCreator to create stunning animations
  4. Supports up to 1024 character long lines on 1.13 or above
  5. Supports any scoreboard or team plugin such as McMMO, HealthBar, ColoredTags, Citizens2, ...
  6. Original no flicker plugin with stable core
  7. No lag [Can even run on a Raspberry Pi]
    1. Efficient placeholder parsing: Only placeholders used in the config are used
    2. Efficient animation and placeholder caching: Placeholders are cached when the plugin doesn't do this (usually smaller plugins where the API directly connects to a database). Animations are cached several frames before sending so it doesn't 'stutter' the scoreboard without actually taking up heaps of memory.
    3. Efficient sending
  8. No flicker (Some plugins claim to also have this, but usually just change the scoreboard lines or use a "buffer"). This plugin combines no flicker with no lag
  9. Change/Animated the scoreboard numbers on the side. Event use placeholders to update their values
  10. Hide/Show lines during animations
  11. Support from MC 1.6 to 1.13 and above
  12. Many updates
  13. Event triggered scoreboard to show relevant scoreboards based on what the player is doing
  14. Assign scoreboards based on groups, permissions, worlds
  15. Internal Developer API and external Placeholder API (MVdWPlaceholderAPI) to add your own placeholders
  16. In depth placeholder configuration to define what they return
  17. Players can toggle boards on and off
  18. Toggled scoreboard can be stored in a database to save their choice after server restarts.
  19. Players can switch between boards
  20. Console or an OP can switch scoreboards of other players
  21. Create super advanced scoreboards that contain "quick settings" and javascript


Below are the server requirements and the supported scoreboard update methods with their properties for that server version.

If your server software is not listed it is most likely not supported!
Always use the latest release of each minor version (eg. 1.8.8, 1.12.2,...)

  • CraftBukkit/Spigot/PaperSpigot/PaperClip
    • 1.7.10
        • Title width: 32
        • Line width:: 26-28
        • Line width with static lines: 60
        • Amount of lines: 15 + 1 title
    • 1.8
        • Title width: 32
        • Line width: 26-28
        • Amount of lines: 15 + 1 title
        • Title width: 32
        • Line width: 68-70
        • Amount of lines: 15 + 1 title
        • Title width: 32
        • Line width: 26-28
        • Amount of lines: 15 + 1 title
        • Supports all scoreboards (HealthBar, ...)
    • 1.9 - 1.12
        • Title width: 32
        • Line width: 26-28
        • Line width with static lines: 60
        • Amount of lines: 15 + 1 title
        • Title width: 32
        • Line width: 68-70
        • Amount of lines: 15 + 1 title
        • Compatible with all scoreboard/team plugins
        • Less RAM and CPU usage
        • Title width: 32
        • Line width: 26-28
        • Line width with static lines: 60
        • Amount of lines: 15 + 1 title
    • 1.13
      • ANTI_FLICKER_V1:
      • Title width: 1024 characters
      • Line width: AS LONG AS YOU WANT
        • Compatible with all scoreboard/team plugins
        • Less RAM and CPU usage
        • Title width: 1024 characters
        • Line width: AS LONG AS YOU WANT
        • Amount of lines: 15 + 1 title
  • Cauldron/KCauldron
    • 1.7.10: Everything is compatible except for ANTI_FLICKER_V2 (beta feature) and hover-able commands such as /featherboard placeholders and /featherboard permissions
      • Title width: 32
      • Line width with anti flicker v1: 26-28
      • Line width without anti flicker: 16
      • Line width with static lines: 40
      • Amount of lines: 15 + 1 title
Required server hardware:
The plugin can run on very low hardware. The only requirement is a good connection between your bungeecord and servers when using very fast animations.

Required dependencies:

Optional dependencies:

  • MVdWUpdater: For updating


Originally scoreboards were never intended by Mojang to contain whatever information you want. Originally they only showed a title, players and their score. Due to some clever tricks I was able to get Anti flicker V1 and V2 to use these scoreboards for high speed animations. However there are still limitations that exist on all scoreboard plugins.

  • The red numbers on the side can no be removed - they can however be altered by placeholders or static numbers (see configuration wiki)
  • The plugin supports all other team or scoreboard plugins !!! It can run HealthBar, ColoredTags or any team plugin you wish without problems. They do not need to be packet based
  • Protocol changing plugins that allow 1.13 servers to support players below 1.13 are not supported. This is due to the many scoreboard changes in 1.13.




Spigot link (source):

Download: [<b> Hidden Content </b>]


l'Accru 🥇
Level 1

Torrents Stats

27 Mars 2020
je vais testter on vera bien


Master 🏆
Level 1

Torrents Stats

25 Octobre 2017

  1. 5000+ efficient placeholders [No reflecting, cached when needed if the plugin didn't do this, very fast parsing] + ~5000 custom placeholders added by the community
  2. A lot of preset animations that you can use
  3. Easy to configure, but with the possibility to make it more advanced
    1. You can use tools such as AnimationCreator to create stunning animations
  4. Supports up to 1024 character long lines on 1.13 or above
  5. Supports any scoreboard or team plugin such as McMMO, HealthBar, ColoredTags, Citizens2, ...
  6. Original no flicker plugin with stable core
  7. No lag [Can even run on a Raspberry Pi]
    1. Efficient placeholder parsing: Only placeholders used in the config are used
    2. Efficient animation and placeholder caching: Placeholders are cached when the plugin doesn't do this (usually smaller plugins where the API directly connects to a database). Animations are cached several frames before sending so it doesn't 'stutter' the scoreboard without actually taking up heaps of memory.
    3. Efficient sending
  8. No flicker (Some plugins claim to also have this, but usually just change the scoreboard lines or use a "buffer"). This plugin combines no flicker with no lag
  9. Change/Animated the scoreboard numbers on the side. Event use placeholders to update their values
  10. Hide/Show lines during animations
  11. Support from MC 1.6 to 1.13 and above
  12. Many updates
  13. Event triggered scoreboard to show relevant scoreboards based on what the player is doing
  14. Assign scoreboards based on groups, permissions, worlds
  15. Internal Developer API and external Placeholder API (MVdWPlaceholderAPI) to add your own placeholders
  16. In depth placeholder configuration to define what they return
  17. Players can toggle boards on and off
  18. Toggled scoreboard can be stored in a database to save their choice after server restarts.
  19. Players can switch between boards
  20. Console or an OP can switch scoreboards of other players
  21. Create super advanced scoreboards that contain "quick settings" and javascript


Below are the server requirements and the supported scoreboard update methods with their properties for that server version.

If your server software is not listed it is most likely not supported!
Always use the latest release of each minor version (eg. 1.8.8, 1.12.2,...)

  • CraftBukkit/Spigot/PaperSpigot/PaperClip
    • 1.7.10
        • Title width: 32
        • Line width:: 26-28
        • Line width with static lines: 60
        • Amount of lines: 15 + 1 title
    • 1.8
        • Title width: 32
        • Line width: 26-28
        • Amount of lines: 15 + 1 title
        • Title width: 32
        • Line width: 68-70
        • Amount of lines: 15 + 1 title
        • Title width: 32
        • Line width: 26-28
        • Amount of lines: 15 + 1 title
        • Supports all scoreboards (HealthBar, ...)
    • 1.9 - 1.12
        • Title width: 32
        • Line width: 26-28
        • Line width with static lines: 60
        • Amount of lines: 15 + 1 title
        • Title width: 32
        • Line width: 68-70
        • Amount of lines: 15 + 1 title
        • Compatible with all scoreboard/team plugins
        • Less RAM and CPU usage
        • Title width: 32
        • Line width: 26-28
        • Line width with static lines: 60
        • Amount of lines: 15 + 1 title
    • 1.13
      • ANTI_FLICKER_V1:
      • Title width: 1024 characters
      • Line width: AS LONG AS YOU WANT
        • Compatible with all scoreboard/team plugins
        • Less RAM and CPU usage
        • Title width: 1024 characters
        • Line width: AS LONG AS YOU WANT
        • Amount of lines: 15 + 1 title
  • Cauldron/KCauldron
    • 1.7.10: Everything is compatible except for ANTI_FLICKER_V2 (beta feature) and hover-able commands such as /featherboard placeholders and /featherboard permissions
      • Title width: 32
      • Line width with anti flicker v1: 26-28
      • Line width without anti flicker: 16
      • Line width with static lines: 40
      • Amount of lines: 15 + 1 title
Required server hardware:
The plugin can run on very low hardware. The only requirement is a good connection between your bungeecord and servers when using very fast animations.

Required dependencies:

Optional dependencies:

  • MVdWUpdater: For updating


Originally scoreboards were never intended by Mojang to contain whatever information you want. Originally they only showed a title, players and their score. Due to some clever tricks I was able to get Anti flicker V1 and V2 to use these scoreboards for high speed animations. However there are still limitations that exist on all scoreboard plugins.

  • The red numbers on the side can no be removed - they can however be altered by placeholders or static numbers (see configuration wiki)
  • The plugin supports all other team or scoreboard plugins!!! It can run HealthBar, ColoredTags or any team plugin you wish without problems. They do not need to be packet based
  • Protocol changing plugins that allow 1.13 servers to support players below 1.13 are not supported. This is due to the many scoreboard changes in 1.13.




Lien spigot (source) :

Téléchargement : [<b>Contenu masqué</b>]
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