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Spectrasonics Keyscape
KEYSCAPE® is an extraordinary virtual instrument featuring the largest selection of collector keyboards in the world. From “holy grail” pianos to stunning keyboards you didn’t even know existed, this is a keyboardist’s dream come true. Ten years in the making, each of these sought-after keyboards was carefully restored and then deeply multisampled by the renowned Spectrasonics Sound Development Team. These compelling and highly expressive sounds will inspire you to PLAY!
Custom Controls
The Custom Controls presented for each Patch allow you to go far beyond the original sound. The intuitive interface includes useful performance controls and high-quality creative effects processing specially crafted for each Patch. Hundreds of included Patches showcase the remarkable versatility and ability to dramatically customize these iconic sounds to your music.
Authentic Expression
With many of these collector instruments, it’s really the imperfections that make them so interesting. Instead of cleaning up all the quirks and noises they make, we made sure to closely capture them since they are a big part of their vibe. In addition to that, our software team closely modeled the authentic behavior and mojo of vintage amplifiers, classic effects units, and unique subtleties like mechanical noises, pedal noises, and release overtones to bring these sounds to a whole new level of authenticity and dynamic expression.
Hybrid "Duo" Sounds
Along with the hundreds of patches based on the 36 instrument models, Keyscape includes special hybrid "Duo" sounds which combine two of the instruments to create something entirely new. The unique timbre of these Duo patches make them some of the most creative and inspiring sounds in Keyscape!
Omnisphere Integration
As a bonus for Omnisphere 2 users, Keyscape also integrates fully as a satellite instrument within the Omnisphere® interface. Keyscape will simply appear as a library inside Omnisphere’s browser for users of both plugins. This capability allows Omnisphere 2 users to harness additional functionality like Live Mode, Stack Mode, Multitimbrality, endless FX routings and the full synthesis power of the STEAM Engine® to explore endless new sonic possibilities and combinations.
Keyscape Creative Library
Keyscape now also includes this cutting-edge library of over 1200 patches specially designed for users who also have Omnisphere 2. The richly detailed keyboard sounds of Keyscape have been dramatically transformed using Omnisphere’s deep synthesis capabilities. These truly amazing patches offer an extremely wide variety of incredible sounds for modern music producers.
Standalone with Recording
Flow Capture™ is a special recording function built into the Keyscape standalone app - which grabs spontaneous musical moments in audio, MIDI and .keyscape sound format simultaneously.
- Install Keyscape
- Replace Keyscape.dll to VST FOLDER
- Replace & Keyscape.vst3 to VST3 FOLDER
For Application
- To get STANDALONE workin'
Go to
- Replace Keyscape.dll and Keyscape.vst3
For Pro Tools Users
- To get AAX workin'
Go to
- Replace Keyscape.dll and Keyscape.vst3
[<b>Contenu masqué</b>][<b>Contenu masqué</b>]
Torrents Stats
Merci !!Voir la pièce jointe 65230
Spectrasonics Keyscape
KEYSCAPE® is an extraordinary virtual instrument featuring the largest selection of collector keyboards in the world. From “holy grail” pianos to stunning keyboards you didn’t even know existed, this is a keyboardist’s dream come true. Ten years in the making, each of these sought-after keyboards was carefully restored and then deeply multisampled by the renowned Spectrasonics Sound Development Team. These compelling and highly expressive sounds will inspire you to PLAY!
Custom Controls
The Custom Controls presented for each Patch allow you to go far beyond the original sound. The intuitive interface includes useful performance controls and high-quality creative effects processing specially crafted for each Patch. Hundreds of included Patches showcase the remarkable versatility and ability to dramatically customize these iconic sounds to your music.
Authentic Expression
With many of these collector instruments, it’s really the imperfections that make them so interesting. Instead of cleaning up all the quirks and noises they make, we made sure to closely capture them since they are a big part of their vibe. In addition to that, our software team closely modeled the authentic behavior and mojo of vintage amplifiers, classic effects units, and unique subtleties like mechanical noises, pedal noises, and release overtones to bring these sounds to a whole new level of authenticity and dynamic expression.
Hybrid "Duo" Sounds
Along with the hundreds of patches based on the 36 instrument models, Keyscape includes special hybrid "Duo" sounds which combine two of the instruments to create something entirely new. The unique timbre of these Duo patches make them some of the most creative and inspiring sounds in Keyscape!
Omnisphere Integration
As a bonus for Omnisphere 2 users, Keyscape also integrates fully as a satellite instrument within the Omnisphere® interface. Keyscape will simply appear as a library inside Omnisphere’s browser for users of both plugins. This capability allows Omnisphere 2 users to harness additional functionality like Live Mode, Stack Mode, Multitimbrality, endless FX routings and the full synthesis power of the STEAM Engine® to explore endless new sonic possibilities and combinations.
Keyscape Creative Library
Keyscape now also includes this cutting-edge library of over 1200 patches specially designed for users who also have Omnisphere 2. The richly detailed keyboard sounds of Keyscape have been dramatically transformed using Omnisphere’s deep synthesis capabilities. These truly amazing patches offer an extremely wide variety of incredible sounds for modern music producers.
Standalone with Recording
Flow Capture™ is a special recording function built into the Keyscape standalone app - which grabs spontaneous musical moments in audio, MIDI and .keyscape sound format simultaneously.
- Install Keyscape
- Replace Keyscape.dll to VST FOLDER
- Replace & Keyscape.vst3 to VST3 FOLDER
For Application
- To get STANDALONE workin'
Go to
- Replace Keyscape.dll and Keyscape.vst3
For Pro Tools Users
- To get AAX workin'
Go to
- Replace Keyscape.dll and Keyscape.vst3
[<b>Contenu masqué</b>][<b>Contenu masqué</b>]
Torrents Stats
Voir la pièce jointe 65230
Keyscape spettrosonico
KEYSCAPE® è uno straordinario strumento virtuale con la più vasta selezione di tastiere da collezione al mondo. Dai pianoforti "Santo Graal" alle tastiere straordinarie che non sapevi nemmeno esistessero, questo è il sogno di ogni tastierista che diventa realtà. Dopo dieci anni di lavoro, ciascuna di queste ricercate tastiere è stata accuratamente restaurata e poi profondamente multicampionata dal rinomato team di sviluppo del suono Spectrasonics. Questi suoni avvincenti e altamente espressivi ti ispireranno a GIOCARE!
Controlli personalizzati
I controlli personalizzati presentati per ciascuna patch ti consentono di andare ben oltre il suono originale. L'interfaccia intuitiva include utili controlli delle prestazioni ed elaborazione di effetti creativi di alta qualità appositamente realizzati per ciascuna patch. Centinaia di patch incluse mostrano la straordinaria versatilità e la capacità di personalizzare radicalmente questi suoni iconici per la tua musica.
Espressione autentica
Molti di questi strumenti da collezione sono proprio le imperfezioni a renderli così interessanti. Invece di eliminare tutte le stranezze e i rumori che producono, ci siamo assicurati di catturarli da vicino poiché sono una parte importante della loro atmosfera. In aggiunta a ciò, il nostro team di software ha modellato da vicino il comportamento autentico e il fascino degli amplificatori vintage, delle unità di effetti classici e sottigliezze uniche come rumori meccanici, rumori di pedali e armonici di rilascio per portare questi suoni a un livello completamente nuovo di autenticità ed espressione dinamica .
Suoni ibridi "Duo".
Insieme alle centinaia di patch basate sui 36 modelli di strumenti, Keyscape include speciali suoni ibridi "Duo" che combinano due strumenti per creare qualcosa di completamente nuovo. Il timbro unico di queste patch Duo le rende alcuni dei suoni più creativi e stimolanti di Keyscape!
Integrazione dell'omnisfera
Come bonus per gli utenti di Omnisphere 2, Keyscape si integra completamente anche come strumento satellitare all'interno dell'interfaccia Omnisphere®. Keyscape apparirà semplicemente come una libreria all'interno del browser Omnisphere per gli utenti di entrambi i plugin. Questa funzionalità consente agli utenti di Omnisphere 2 di sfruttare funzionalità aggiuntive come la modalità Live, la modalità Stack, la multitimbricità, infiniti percorsi FX e tutta la potenza di sintesi dello STEAM Engine® per esplorare infinite nuove possibilità e combinazioni sonore.
Libreria creatività Keyscape
Keyscape ora include anche questa libreria all'avanguardia di oltre 1200 patch appositamente progettate per gli utenti che dispongono anche di Omnisphere 2. I suoni della tastiera riccamente dettagliati di Keyscape sono stati radicalmente trasformati utilizzando le profonde capacità di sintesi di Omnisphere. Queste patch davvero sorprendenti offrono una varietà estremamente ampia di suoni incredibili per i produttori musicali moderni.
Autonomo con registrazione
Flow Capture™ è una speciale funzione di registrazione integrata nell'app standalone Keyscape, che cattura simultaneamente momenti musicali spontanei in formato audio, MIDI e .keyscape.
- Installa Keyscape
- Sostituisci Keyscape.dll con VST FOLDER
- Sostituisci & Keyscape.vst3 nella CARTELLA VST3
Per l'applicazione
- Per far funzionare STANDALONE
Vai a
- Sostituisci Keyscape.dll e Keyscape.vst3
Per gli utenti di Pro Tools
- Per far funzionare AAX
Vai a
- Sostituisci Keyscape.dll e Keyscape.vst3
[<b>Contenuti nascosti</b>] [<b>Contenuti nascosti</b>]
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Spectrasonics Keyscape
KEYSCAPE® is an extraordinary virtual instrument featuring the largest selection of collector keyboards in the world. From “holy grail” pianos to stunning keyboards you didn’t even know existed, this is a keyboardist’s dream come true. Ten years in the making, each of these sought-after keyboards was carefully restored and then deeply multisampled by the renowned Spectrasonics Sound Development Team. These compelling and highly expressive sounds will inspire you to PLAY!
Custom Controls
The Custom Controls presented for each Patch allow you to go far beyond the original sound. The intuitive interface includes useful performance controls and high-quality creative effects processing specially crafted for each Patch. Hundreds of included Patches showcase the remarkable versatility and ability to dramatically customize these iconic sounds to your music.
Authentic Expression
With many of these collector instruments, it’s really the imperfections that make them so interesting. Instead of cleaning up all the quirks and noises they make, we made sure to closely capture them since they are a big part of their vibe. In addition to that, our software team closely modeled the authentic behavior and mojo of vintage amplifiers, classic effects units, and unique subtleties like mechanical noises, pedal noises, and release overtones to bring these sounds to a whole new level of authenticity and dynamic expression.
Hybrid "Duo" Sounds
Along with the hundreds of patches based on the 36 instrument models, Keyscape includes special hybrid "Duo" sounds which combine two of the instruments to create something entirely new. The unique timbre of these Duo patches make them some of the most creative and inspiring sounds in Keyscape!
Omnisphere Integration
As a bonus for Omnisphere 2 users, Keyscape also integrates fully as a satellite instrument within the Omnisphere® interface. Keyscape will simply appear as a library inside Omnisphere’s browser for users of both plugins. This capability allows Omnisphere 2 users to harness additional functionality like Live Mode, Stack Mode, Multitimbrality, endless FX routings and the full synthesis power of the STEAM Engine® to explore endless new sonic possibilities and combinations.
Keyscape Creative Library
Keyscape now also includes this cutting-edge library of over 1200 patches specially designed for users who also have Omnisphere 2. The richly detailed keyboard sounds of Keyscape have been dramatically transformed using Omnisphere’s deep synthesis capabilities. These truly amazing patches offer an extremely wide variety of incredible sounds for modern music producers.
Standalone with Recording
Flow Capture™ is a special recording function built into the Keyscape standalone app - which grabs spontaneous musical moments in audio, MIDI and .keyscape sound format simultaneously.
- Install Keyscape
- Replace Keyscape.dll to VST FOLDER
- Replace & Keyscape.vst3 to VST3 FOLDER
For Application
- To get STANDALONE workin'
Go to
- Replace Keyscape.dll and Keyscape.vst3
For Pro Tools Users
- To get AAX workin'
Go to
- Replace Keyscape.dll and Keyscape.vst3
[<b>Contenu masqué</b>][<b>Contenu masqué</b>]
Torrents Stats
merci bienVoir la pièce jointe 65230
Spectrasonics Keyscape
KEYSCAPE® is an extraordinary virtual instrument featuring the largest selection of collector keyboards in the world. From “holy grail” pianos to stunning keyboards you didn’t even know existed, this is a keyboardist’s dream come true. Ten years in the making, each of these sought-after keyboards was carefully restored and then deeply multisampled by the renowned Spectrasonics Sound Development Team. These compelling and highly expressive sounds will inspire you to PLAY!
Custom Controls
The Custom Controls presented for each Patch allow you to go far beyond the original sound. The intuitive interface includes useful performance controls and high-quality creative effects processing specially crafted for each Patch. Hundreds of included Patches showcase the remarkable versatility and ability to dramatically customize these iconic sounds to your music.
Authentic Expression
With many of these collector instruments, it’s really the imperfections that make them so interesting. Instead of cleaning up all the quirks and noises they make, we made sure to closely capture them since they are a big part of their vibe. In addition to that, our software team closely modeled the authentic behavior and mojo of vintage amplifiers, classic effects units, and unique subtleties like mechanical noises, pedal noises, and release overtones to bring these sounds to a whole new level of authenticity and dynamic expression.
Hybrid "Duo" Sounds
Along with the hundreds of patches based on the 36 instrument models, Keyscape includes special hybrid "Duo" sounds which combine two of the instruments to create something entirely new. The unique timbre of these Duo patches make them some of the most creative and inspiring sounds in Keyscape!
Omnisphere Integration
As a bonus for Omnisphere 2 users, Keyscape also integrates fully as a satellite instrument within the Omnisphere® interface. Keyscape will simply appear as a library inside Omnisphere’s browser for users of both plugins. This capability allows Omnisphere 2 users to harness additional functionality like Live Mode, Stack Mode, Multitimbrality, endless FX routings and the full synthesis power of the STEAM Engine® to explore endless new sonic possibilities and combinations.
Keyscape Creative Library
Keyscape now also includes this cutting-edge library of over 1200 patches specially designed for users who also have Omnisphere 2. The richly detailed keyboard sounds of Keyscape have been dramatically transformed using Omnisphere’s deep synthesis capabilities. These truly amazing patches offer an extremely wide variety of incredible sounds for modern music producers.
Standalone with Recording
Flow Capture™ is a special recording function built into the Keyscape standalone app - which grabs spontaneous musical moments in audio, MIDI and .keyscape sound format simultaneously.
- Install Keyscape
- Replace Keyscape.dll to VST FOLDER
- Replace & Keyscape.vst3 to VST3 FOLDER
For Application
- To get STANDALONE workin'
Go to
- Replace Keyscape.dll and Keyscape.vst3
For Pro Tools Users
- To get AAX workin'
Go to
- Replace Keyscape.dll and Keyscape.vst3
[<b>Contenu masqué</b>][<b>Contenu masqué</b>]
Torrents Stats
très bienVoir la pièce jointe 65230
Spectrasonics Keyscape
KEYSCAPE® is an extraordinary virtual instrument featuring the largest selection of collector keyboards in the world. From “holy grail” pianos to stunning keyboards you didn’t even know existed, this is a keyboardist’s dream come true. Ten years in the making, each of these sought-after keyboards was carefully restored and then deeply multisampled by the renowned Spectrasonics Sound Development Team. These compelling and highly expressive sounds will inspire you to PLAY!
Custom Controls
The Custom Controls presented for each Patch allow you to go far beyond the original sound. The intuitive interface includes useful performance controls and high-quality creative effects processing specially crafted for each Patch. Hundreds of included Patches showcase the remarkable versatility and ability to dramatically customize these iconic sounds to your music.
Authentic Expression
With many of these collector instruments, it’s really the imperfections that make them so interesting. Instead of cleaning up all the quirks and noises they make, we made sure to closely capture them since they are a big part of their vibe. In addition to that, our software team closely modeled the authentic behavior and mojo of vintage amplifiers, classic effects units, and unique subtleties like mechanical noises, pedal noises, and release overtones to bring these sounds to a whole new level of authenticity and dynamic expression.
Hybrid "Duo" Sounds
Along with the hundreds of patches based on the 36 instrument models, Keyscape includes special hybrid "Duo" sounds which combine two of the instruments to create something entirely new. The unique timbre of these Duo patches make them some of the most creative and inspiring sounds in Keyscape!
Omnisphere Integration
As a bonus for Omnisphere 2 users, Keyscape also integrates fully as a satellite instrument within the Omnisphere® interface. Keyscape will simply appear as a library inside Omnisphere’s browser for users of both plugins. This capability allows Omnisphere 2 users to harness additional functionality like Live Mode, Stack Mode, Multitimbrality, endless FX routings and the full synthesis power of the STEAM Engine® to explore endless new sonic possibilities and combinations.
Keyscape Creative Library
Keyscape now also includes this cutting-edge library of over 1200 patches specially designed for users who also have Omnisphere 2. The richly detailed keyboard sounds of Keyscape have been dramatically transformed using Omnisphere’s deep synthesis capabilities. These truly amazing patches offer an extremely wide variety of incredible sounds for modern music producers.
Standalone with Recording
Flow Capture™ is a special recording function built into the Keyscape standalone app - which grabs spontaneous musical moments in audio, MIDI and .keyscape sound format simultaneously.
- Install Keyscape
- Replace Keyscape.dll to VST FOLDER
- Replace & Keyscape.vst3 to VST3 FOLDER
For Application
- To get STANDALONE workin'
Go to
- Replace Keyscape.dll and Keyscape.vst3
For Pro Tools Users
- To get AAX workin'
Go to
- Replace Keyscape.dll and Keyscape.vst3
[<b>Contenu masqué</b>][<b>Contenu masqué</b>]
Torrents Stats
Voir la pièce jointe 65230
Spectrasonics Keyscape
KEYSCAPE® is an extraordinary virtual instrument featuring the largest selection of collector keyboards in the world. From “holy grail” pianos to stunning keyboards you didn’t even know existed, this is a keyboardist’s dream come true. Ten years in the making, each of these sought-after keyboards was carefully restored and then deeply multisampled by the renowned Spectrasonics Sound Development Team. These compelling and highly expressive sounds will inspire you to PLAY!
Custom Controls
The Custom Controls presented for each Patch allow you to go far beyond the original sound. The intuitive interface includes useful performance controls and high-quality creative effects processing specially crafted for each Patch. Hundreds of included Patches showcase the remarkable versatility and ability to dramatically customize these iconic sounds to your music.
Authentic Expression
With many of these collector instruments, it’s really the imperfections that make them so interesting. Instead of cleaning up all the quirks and noises they make, we made sure to closely capture them since they are a big part of their vibe. In addition to that, our software team closely modeled the authentic behavior and mojo of vintage amplifiers, classic effects units, and unique subtleties like mechanical noises, pedal noises, and release overtones to bring these sounds to a whole new level of authenticity and dynamic expression.
Hybrid "Duo" Sounds
Along with the hundreds of patches based on the 36 instrument models, Keyscape includes special hybrid "Duo" sounds which combine two of the instruments to create something entirely new. The unique timbre of these Duo patches make them some of the most creative and inspiring sounds in Keyscape!
Omnisphere Integration
As a bonus for Omnisphere 2 users, Keyscape also integrates fully as a satellite instrument within the Omnisphere® interface. Keyscape will simply appear as a library inside Omnisphere’s browser for users of both plugins. This capability allows Omnisphere 2 users to harness additional functionality like Live Mode, Stack Mode, Multitimbrality, endless FX routings and the full synthesis power of the STEAM Engine® to explore endless new sonic possibilities and combinations.
Keyscape Creative Library
Keyscape now also includes this cutting-edge library of over 1200 patches specially designed for users who also have Omnisphere 2. The richly detailed keyboard sounds of Keyscape have been dramatically transformed using Omnisphere’s deep synthesis capabilities. These truly amazing patches offer an extremely wide variety of incredible sounds for modern music producers.
Standalone with Recording
Flow Capture™ is a special recording function built into the Keyscape standalone app - which grabs spontaneous musical moments in audio, MIDI and .keyscape sound format simultaneously.
- Install Keyscape
- Replace Keyscape.dll to VST FOLDER
- Replace & Keyscape.vst3 to VST3 FOLDER
For Application
- To get STANDALONE workin'
Go to
- Replace Keyscape.dll and Keyscape.vst3
For Pro Tools Users
- To get AAX workin'
Go to
- Replace Keyscape.dll and Keyscape.vst3
[<b>Contenu masqué</b>][<b>Contenu masqué</b>]
Torrents Stats
cimer broVoir la pièce jointe 65230
Spectrasonics Keyscape
KEYSCAPE® is an extraordinary virtual instrument featuring the largest selection of collector keyboards in the world. From “holy grail” pianos to stunning keyboards you didn’t even know existed, this is a keyboardist’s dream come true. Ten years in the making, each of these sought-after keyboards was carefully restored and then deeply multisampled by the renowned Spectrasonics Sound Development Team. These compelling and highly expressive sounds will inspire you to PLAY!
Custom Controls
The Custom Controls presented for each Patch allow you to go far beyond the original sound. The intuitive interface includes useful performance controls and high-quality creative effects processing specially crafted for each Patch. Hundreds of included Patches showcase the remarkable versatility and ability to dramatically customize these iconic sounds to your music.
Authentic Expression
With many of these collector instruments, it’s really the imperfections that make them so interesting. Instead of cleaning up all the quirks and noises they make, we made sure to closely capture them since they are a big part of their vibe. In addition to that, our software team closely modeled the authentic behavior and mojo of vintage amplifiers, classic effects units, and unique subtleties like mechanical noises, pedal noises, and release overtones to bring these sounds to a whole new level of authenticity and dynamic expression.
Hybrid "Duo" Sounds
Along with the hundreds of patches based on the 36 instrument models, Keyscape includes special hybrid "Duo" sounds which combine two of the instruments to create something entirely new. The unique timbre of these Duo patches make them some of the most creative and inspiring sounds in Keyscape!
Omnisphere Integration
As a bonus for Omnisphere 2 users, Keyscape also integrates fully as a satellite instrument within the Omnisphere® interface. Keyscape will simply appear as a library inside Omnisphere’s browser for users of both plugins. This capability allows Omnisphere 2 users to harness additional functionality like Live Mode, Stack Mode, Multitimbrality, endless FX routings and the full synthesis power of the STEAM Engine® to explore endless new sonic possibilities and combinations.
Keyscape Creative Library
Keyscape now also includes this cutting-edge library of over 1200 patches specially designed for users who also have Omnisphere 2. The richly detailed keyboard sounds of Keyscape have been dramatically transformed using Omnisphere’s deep synthesis capabilities. These truly amazing patches offer an extremely wide variety of incredible sounds for modern music producers.
Standalone with Recording
Flow Capture™ is a special recording function built into the Keyscape standalone app - which grabs spontaneous musical moments in audio, MIDI and .keyscape sound format simultaneously.
- Install Keyscape
- Replace Keyscape.dll to VST FOLDER
- Replace & Keyscape.vst3 to VST3 FOLDER
For Application
- To get STANDALONE workin'
Go to
- Replace Keyscape.dll and Keyscape.vst3
For Pro Tools Users
- To get AAX workin'
Go to
- Replace Keyscape.dll and Keyscape.vst3
[<b>Contenu masqué</b>][<b>Contenu masqué</b>]
Torrents Stats
repondreVoir la pièce jointe 65230
Spectrasonics Keyscape
KEYSCAPE® is an extraordinary virtual instrument featuring the largest selection of collector keyboards in the world. From “holy grail” pianos to stunning keyboards you didn’t even know existed, this is a keyboardist’s dream come true. Ten years in the making, each of these sought-after keyboards was carefully restored and then deeply multisampled by the renowned Spectrasonics Sound Development Team. These compelling and highly expressive sounds will inspire you to PLAY!
Custom Controls
The Custom Controls presented for each Patch allow you to go far beyond the original sound. The intuitive interface includes useful performance controls and high-quality creative effects processing specially crafted for each Patch. Hundreds of included Patches showcase the remarkable versatility and ability to dramatically customize these iconic sounds to your music.
Authentic Expression
With many of these collector instruments, it’s really the imperfections that make them so interesting. Instead of cleaning up all the quirks and noises they make, we made sure to closely capture them since they are a big part of their vibe. In addition to that, our software team closely modeled the authentic behavior and mojo of vintage amplifiers, classic effects units, and unique subtleties like mechanical noises, pedal noises, and release overtones to bring these sounds to a whole new level of authenticity and dynamic expression.
Hybrid "Duo" Sounds
Along with the hundreds of patches based on the 36 instrument models, Keyscape includes special hybrid "Duo" sounds which combine two of the instruments to create something entirely new. The unique timbre of these Duo patches make them some of the most creative and inspiring sounds in Keyscape!
Omnisphere Integration
As a bonus for Omnisphere 2 users, Keyscape also integrates fully as a satellite instrument within the Omnisphere® interface. Keyscape will simply appear as a library inside Omnisphere’s browser for users of both plugins. This capability allows Omnisphere 2 users to harness additional functionality like Live Mode, Stack Mode, Multitimbrality, endless FX routings and the full synthesis power of the STEAM Engine® to explore endless new sonic possibilities and combinations.
Keyscape Creative Library
Keyscape now also includes this cutting-edge library of over 1200 patches specially designed for users who also have Omnisphere 2. The richly detailed keyboard sounds of Keyscape have been dramatically transformed using Omnisphere’s deep synthesis capabilities. These truly amazing patches offer an extremely wide variety of incredible sounds for modern music producers.
Standalone with Recording
Flow Capture™ is a special recording function built into the Keyscape standalone app - which grabs spontaneous musical moments in audio, MIDI and .keyscape sound format simultaneously.
- Install Keyscape
- Replace Keyscape.dll to VST FOLDER
- Replace & Keyscape.vst3 to VST3 FOLDER
For Application
- To get STANDALONE workin'
Go to
- Replace Keyscape.dll and Keyscape.vst3
For Pro Tools Users
- To get AAX workin'
Go to
- Replace Keyscape.dll and Keyscape.vst3
[<b>Contenu masqué</b>][<b>Contenu masqué</b>]
Torrents Stats
merciVoir la pièce jointe 65230
Spectrasonics Keyscape
KEYSCAPE® is an extraordinary virtual instrument featuring the largest selection of collector keyboards in the world. From “holy grail” pianos to stunning keyboards you didn’t even know existed, this is a keyboardist’s dream come true. Ten years in the making, each of these sought-after keyboards was carefully restored and then deeply multisampled by the renowned Spectrasonics Sound Development Team. These compelling and highly expressive sounds will inspire you to PLAY!
Custom Controls
The Custom Controls presented for each Patch allow you to go far beyond the original sound. The intuitive interface includes useful performance controls and high-quality creative effects processing specially crafted for each Patch. Hundreds of included Patches showcase the remarkable versatility and ability to dramatically customize these iconic sounds to your music.
Authentic Expression
With many of these collector instruments, it’s really the imperfections that make them so interesting. Instead of cleaning up all the quirks and noises they make, we made sure to closely capture them since they are a big part of their vibe. In addition to that, our software team closely modeled the authentic behavior and mojo of vintage amplifiers, classic effects units, and unique subtleties like mechanical noises, pedal noises, and release overtones to bring these sounds to a whole new level of authenticity and dynamic expression.
Hybrid "Duo" Sounds
Along with the hundreds of patches based on the 36 instrument models, Keyscape includes special hybrid "Duo" sounds which combine two of the instruments to create something entirely new. The unique timbre of these Duo patches make them some of the most creative and inspiring sounds in Keyscape!
Omnisphere Integration
As a bonus for Omnisphere 2 users, Keyscape also integrates fully as a satellite instrument within the Omnisphere® interface. Keyscape will simply appear as a library inside Omnisphere’s browser for users of both plugins. This capability allows Omnisphere 2 users to harness additional functionality like Live Mode, Stack Mode, Multitimbrality, endless FX routings and the full synthesis power of the STEAM Engine® to explore endless new sonic possibilities and combinations.
Keyscape Creative Library
Keyscape now also includes this cutting-edge library of over 1200 patches specially designed for users who also have Omnisphere 2. The richly detailed keyboard sounds of Keyscape have been dramatically transformed using Omnisphere’s deep synthesis capabilities. These truly amazing patches offer an extremely wide variety of incredible sounds for modern music producers.
Standalone with Recording
Flow Capture™ is a special recording function built into the Keyscape standalone app - which grabs spontaneous musical moments in audio, MIDI and .keyscape sound format simultaneously.
- Install Keyscape
- Replace Keyscape.dll to VST FOLDER
- Replace & Keyscape.vst3 to VST3 FOLDER
For Application
- To get STANDALONE workin'
Go to
- Replace Keyscape.dll and Keyscape.vst3
For Pro Tools Users
- To get AAX workin'
Go to
- Replace Keyscape.dll and Keyscape.vst3
[<b>Contenu masqué</b>][<b>Contenu masqué</b>]
Torrents Stats
Voir la pièce jointe 65230
Spectrasonics Keyscape
KEYSCAPE® is an extraordinary virtual instrument featuring the largest selection of collector keyboards in the world. From “holy grail” pianos to stunning keyboards you didn’t even know existed, this is a keyboardist’s dream come true. Ten years in the making, each of these sought-after keyboards was carefully restored and then deeply multisampled by the renowned Spectrasonics Sound Development Team. These compelling and highly expressive sounds will inspire you to PLAY!
Custom Controls
The Custom Controls presented for each Patch allow you to go far beyond the original sound. The intuitive interface includes useful performance controls and high-quality creative effects processing specially crafted for each Patch. Hundreds of included Patches showcase the remarkable versatility and ability to dramatically customize these iconic sounds to your music.
Authentic Expression
With many of these collector instruments, it’s really the imperfections that make them so interesting. Instead of cleaning up all the quirks and noises they make, we made sure to closely capture them since they are a big part of their vibe. In addition to that, our software team closely modeled the authentic behavior and mojo of vintage amplifiers, classic effects units, and unique subtleties like mechanical noises, pedal noises, and release overtones to bring these sounds to a whole new level of authenticity and dynamic expression.
Hybrid "Duo" Sounds
Along with the hundreds of patches based on the 36 instrument models, Keyscape includes special hybrid "Duo" sounds which combine two of the instruments to create something entirely new. The unique timbre of these Duo patches make them some of the most creative and inspiring sounds in Keyscape!
Omnisphere Integration
As a bonus for Omnisphere 2 users, Keyscape also integrates fully as a satellite instrument within the Omnisphere® interface. Keyscape will simply appear as a library inside Omnisphere’s browser for users of both plugins. This capability allows Omnisphere 2 users to harness additional functionality like Live Mode, Stack Mode, Multitimbrality, endless FX routings and the full synthesis power of the STEAM Engine® to explore endless new sonic possibilities and combinations.
Keyscape Creative Library
Keyscape now also includes this cutting-edge library of over 1200 patches specially designed for users who also have Omnisphere 2. The richly detailed keyboard sounds of Keyscape have been dramatically transformed using Omnisphere’s deep synthesis capabilities. These truly amazing patches offer an extremely wide variety of incredible sounds for modern music producers.
Standalone with Recording
Flow Capture™ is a special recording function built into the Keyscape standalone app - which grabs spontaneous musical moments in audio, MIDI and .keyscape sound format simultaneously.
- Install Keyscape
- Replace Keyscape.dll to VST FOLDER
- Replace & Keyscape.vst3 to VST3 FOLDER
For Application
- To get STANDALONE workin'
Go to
- Replace Keyscape.dll and Keyscape.vst3
For Pro Tools Users
- To get AAX workin'
Go to
- Replace Keyscape.dll and Keyscape.vst3
[<b>Contenu masqué</b>][<b>Contenu masqué</b>]
Torrents Stats
Merci manVoir la pièce jointe 65230
Spectrasonics Keyscape
KEYSCAPE® is an extraordinary virtual instrument featuring the largest selection of collector keyboards in the world. From “holy grail” pianos to stunning keyboards you didn’t even know existed, this is a keyboardist’s dream come true. Ten years in the making, each of these sought-after keyboards was carefully restored and then deeply multisampled by the renowned Spectrasonics Sound Development Team. These compelling and highly expressive sounds will inspire you to PLAY!
Custom Controls
The Custom Controls presented for each Patch allow you to go far beyond the original sound. The intuitive interface includes useful performance controls and high-quality creative effects processing specially crafted for each Patch. Hundreds of included Patches showcase the remarkable versatility and ability to dramatically customize these iconic sounds to your music.
Authentic Expression
With many of these collector instruments, it’s really the imperfections that make them so interesting. Instead of cleaning up all the quirks and noises they make, we made sure to closely capture them since they are a big part of their vibe. In addition to that, our software team closely modeled the authentic behavior and mojo of vintage amplifiers, classic effects units, and unique subtleties like mechanical noises, pedal noises, and release overtones to bring these sounds to a whole new level of authenticity and dynamic expression.
Hybrid "Duo" Sounds
Along with the hundreds of patches based on the 36 instrument models, Keyscape includes special hybrid "Duo" sounds which combine two of the instruments to create something entirely new. The unique timbre of these Duo patches make them some of the most creative and inspiring sounds in Keyscape!
Omnisphere Integration
As a bonus for Omnisphere 2 users, Keyscape also integrates fully as a satellite instrument within the Omnisphere® interface. Keyscape will simply appear as a library inside Omnisphere’s browser for users of both plugins. This capability allows Omnisphere 2 users to harness additional functionality like Live Mode, Stack Mode, Multitimbrality, endless FX routings and the full synthesis power of the STEAM Engine® to explore endless new sonic possibilities and combinations.
Keyscape Creative Library
Keyscape now also includes this cutting-edge library of over 1200 patches specially designed for users who also have Omnisphere 2. The richly detailed keyboard sounds of Keyscape have been dramatically transformed using Omnisphere’s deep synthesis capabilities. These truly amazing patches offer an extremely wide variety of incredible sounds for modern music producers.
Standalone with Recording
Flow Capture™ is a special recording function built into the Keyscape standalone app - which grabs spontaneous musical moments in audio, MIDI and .keyscape sound format simultaneously.
- Install Keyscape
- Replace Keyscape.dll to VST FOLDER
- Replace & Keyscape.vst3 to VST3 FOLDER
For Application
- To get STANDALONE workin'
Go to
- Replace Keyscape.dll and Keyscape.vst3
For Pro Tools Users
- To get AAX workin'
Go to
- Replace Keyscape.dll and Keyscape.vst3
[<b>Contenu masqué</b>][<b>Contenu masqué</b>]
Torrents Stats
Torrents Stats
Merci, go testerVoir la pièce jointe 65230
Spectrasonics Keyscape
KEYSCAPE® is an extraordinary virtual instrument featuring the largest selection of collector keyboards in the world. From “holy grail” pianos to stunning keyboards you didn’t even know existed, this is a keyboardist’s dream come true. Ten years in the making, each of these sought-after keyboards was carefully restored and then deeply multisampled by the renowned Spectrasonics Sound Development Team. These compelling and highly expressive sounds will inspire you to PLAY!
Custom Controls
The Custom Controls presented for each Patch allow you to go far beyond the original sound. The intuitive interface includes useful performance controls and high-quality creative effects processing specially crafted for each Patch. Hundreds of included Patches showcase the remarkable versatility and ability to dramatically customize these iconic sounds to your music.
Authentic Expression
With many of these collector instruments, it’s really the imperfections that make them so interesting. Instead of cleaning up all the quirks and noises they make, we made sure to closely capture them since they are a big part of their vibe. In addition to that, our software team closely modeled the authentic behavior and mojo of vintage amplifiers, classic effects units, and unique subtleties like mechanical noises, pedal noises, and release overtones to bring these sounds to a whole new level of authenticity and dynamic expression.
Hybrid "Duo" Sounds
Along with the hundreds of patches based on the 36 instrument models, Keyscape includes special hybrid "Duo" sounds which combine two of the instruments to create something entirely new. The unique timbre of these Duo patches make them some of the most creative and inspiring sounds in Keyscape!
Omnisphere Integration
As a bonus for Omnisphere 2 users, Keyscape also integrates fully as a satellite instrument within the Omnisphere® interface. Keyscape will simply appear as a library inside Omnisphere’s browser for users of both plugins. This capability allows Omnisphere 2 users to harness additional functionality like Live Mode, Stack Mode, Multitimbrality, endless FX routings and the full synthesis power of the STEAM Engine® to explore endless new sonic possibilities and combinations.
Keyscape Creative Library
Keyscape now also includes this cutting-edge library of over 1200 patches specially designed for users who also have Omnisphere 2. The richly detailed keyboard sounds of Keyscape have been dramatically transformed using Omnisphere’s deep synthesis capabilities. These truly amazing patches offer an extremely wide variety of incredible sounds for modern music producers.
Standalone with Recording
Flow Capture™ is a special recording function built into the Keyscape standalone app - which grabs spontaneous musical moments in audio, MIDI and .keyscape sound format simultaneously.
- Install Keyscape
- Replace Keyscape.dll to VST FOLDER
- Replace & Keyscape.vst3 to VST3 FOLDER
For Application
- To get STANDALONE workin'
Go to
- Replace Keyscape.dll and Keyscape.vst3
For Pro Tools Users
- To get AAX workin'
Go to
- Replace Keyscape.dll and Keyscape.vst3
[<b>Contenu masqué</b>][<b>Contenu masqué</b>]
Torrents Stats
Voir la pièce jointe 65230
Spectrasonics Keyscape
KEYSCAPE® is an extraordinary virtual instrument featuring the largest selection of collector keyboards in the world. From “holy grail” pianos to stunning keyboards you didn’t even know existed, this is a keyboardist’s dream come true. Ten years in the making, each of these sought-after keyboards was carefully restored and then deeply multisampled by the renowned Spectrasonics Sound Development Team. These compelling and highly expressive sounds will inspire you to PLAY!
Custom Controls
The Custom Controls presented for each Patch allow you to go far beyond the original sound. The intuitive interface includes useful performance controls and high-quality creative effects processing specially crafted for each Patch. Hundreds of included Patches showcase the remarkable versatility and ability to dramatically customize these iconic sounds to your music.
Authentic Expression
With many of these collector instruments, it’s really the imperfections that make them so interesting. Instead of cleaning up all the quirks and noises they make, we made sure to closely capture them since they are a big part of their vibe. In addition to that, our software team closely modeled the authentic behavior and mojo of vintage amplifiers, classic effects units, and unique subtleties like mechanical noises, pedal noises, and release overtones to bring these sounds to a whole new level of authenticity and dynamic expression.
Hybrid "Duo" Sounds
Along with the hundreds of patches based on the 36 instrument models, Keyscape includes special hybrid "Duo" sounds which combine two of the instruments to create something entirely new. The unique timbre of these Duo patches make them some of the most creative and inspiring sounds in Keyscape!
Omnisphere Integration
As a bonus for Omnisphere 2 users, Keyscape also integrates fully as a satellite instrument within the Omnisphere® interface. Keyscape will simply appear as a library inside Omnisphere’s browser for users of both plugins. This capability allows Omnisphere 2 users to harness additional functionality like Live Mode, Stack Mode, Multitimbrality, endless FX routings and the full synthesis power of the STEAM Engine® to explore endless new sonic possibilities and combinations.
Keyscape Creative Library
Keyscape now also includes this cutting-edge library of over 1200 patches specially designed for users who also have Omnisphere 2. The richly detailed keyboard sounds of Keyscape have been dramatically transformed using Omnisphere’s deep synthesis capabilities. These truly amazing patches offer an extremely wide variety of incredible sounds for modern music producers.
Standalone with Recording
Flow Capture™ is a special recording function built into the Keyscape standalone app - which grabs spontaneous musical moments in audio, MIDI and .keyscape sound format simultaneously.
- Install Keyscape
- Replace Keyscape.dll to VST FOLDER
- Replace & Keyscape.vst3 to VST3 FOLDER
For Application
- To get STANDALONE workin'
Go to
- Replace Keyscape.dll and Keyscape.vst3
For Pro Tools Users
- To get AAX workin'
Go to
- Replace Keyscape.dll and Keyscape.vst3
[<b>Contenu masqué</b>][<b>Contenu masqué</b>]
Torrents Stats
bvVoir la pièce jointe 65230
Spectrasonics Keyscape
KEYSCAPE® is an extraordinary virtual instrument featuring the largest selection of collector keyboards in the world. From “holy grail” pianos to stunning keyboards you didn’t even know existed, this is a keyboardist’s dream come true. Ten years in the making, each of these sought-after keyboards was carefully restored and then deeply multisampled by the renowned Spectrasonics Sound Development Team. These compelling and highly expressive sounds will inspire you to PLAY!
Custom Controls
The Custom Controls presented for each Patch allow you to go far beyond the original sound. The intuitive interface includes useful performance controls and high-quality creative effects processing specially crafted for each Patch. Hundreds of included Patches showcase the remarkable versatility and ability to dramatically customize these iconic sounds to your music.
Authentic Expression
With many of these collector instruments, it’s really the imperfections that make them so interesting. Instead of cleaning up all the quirks and noises they make, we made sure to closely capture them since they are a big part of their vibe. In addition to that, our software team closely modeled the authentic behavior and mojo of vintage amplifiers, classic effects units, and unique subtleties like mechanical noises, pedal noises, and release overtones to bring these sounds to a whole new level of authenticity and dynamic expression.
Hybrid "Duo" Sounds
Along with the hundreds of patches based on the 36 instrument models, Keyscape includes special hybrid "Duo" sounds which combine two of the instruments to create something entirely new. The unique timbre of these Duo patches make them some of the most creative and inspiring sounds in Keyscape!
Omnisphere Integration
As a bonus for Omnisphere 2 users, Keyscape also integrates fully as a satellite instrument within the Omnisphere® interface. Keyscape will simply appear as a library inside Omnisphere’s browser for users of both plugins. This capability allows Omnisphere 2 users to harness additional functionality like Live Mode, Stack Mode, Multitimbrality, endless FX routings and the full synthesis power of the STEAM Engine® to explore endless new sonic possibilities and combinations.
Keyscape Creative Library
Keyscape now also includes this cutting-edge library of over 1200 patches specially designed for users who also have Omnisphere 2. The richly detailed keyboard sounds of Keyscape have been dramatically transformed using Omnisphere’s deep synthesis capabilities. These truly amazing patches offer an extremely wide variety of incredible sounds for modern music producers.
Standalone with Recording
Flow Capture™ is a special recording function built into the Keyscape standalone app - which grabs spontaneous musical moments in audio, MIDI and .keyscape sound format simultaneously.
- Install Keyscape
- Replace Keyscape.dll to VST FOLDER
- Replace & Keyscape.vst3 to VST3 FOLDER
For Application
- To get STANDALONE workin'
Go to
- Replace Keyscape.dll and Keyscape.vst3
For Pro Tools Users
- To get AAX workin'
Go to
- Replace Keyscape.dll and Keyscape.vst3
[<b>Contenu masqué</b>][<b>Contenu masqué</b>]