Vérifié Weed Factory - Advanced Cannabis Growing [Lastest]


l'Affirmé 🥈
Level 2

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7 Juillet 2019
Merci , tres complet


l'Actif 🥉
Level 2

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28 Avril 2020
Merci tu geres, j'en avais besoin


l'Actif 🥉
Level 2

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24 Avril 2020


The Weed plant is a simple but a very useful and essential addon to have on your darkrp server, as it gives new and more controlled way of growing weed, by providing a whole list of features, that creates a new form for unique role-play, that needs to be experienced for you to understand.


The Weed plant is a simple but a very useful and essential addon to have on your DarkRP server, as it gives new and more controlled way of growing weed, by providing a whole list of features, that creates a new form for unique role-play, that needs to be experienced for you to understand.

  • DarkRP +2.5.
  • Optimized system.
  • Custom models.
  • Custom materials.
  • Content on steam workshop.
  • Unlimited config options.
  • Includes a Buyer and seller npc.
  • Choose between 2 shop themes.
  • Jar to dry premium weed.
  • Tent to grow premium weed.
  • Weed value based on how much gram a bag is.
  • Weed value depend on the buyer npc
  • Many upgrades, like visual animations.
  • Weed can be sold by clicking E on it (config option)
  • Features upgrades dirt upgrade, which is applied to a empty pot.
  • Features a scale, to weight your weed bag.
  • Feature a wet weed feature, where you need to dry your weed after it come off the plant.
  • Detailed microwave, with visual and sound effect when you dry weed.
  • Weed can be consumed if it is dry, but cannot be consumed when bagged.
  • Weed can be sold, if you have bagged the weed, in the foil machine.

You go to the npc seller/f4menu, then you purchase a pot, after you purchase a pot, then you need some dirt, so you purchase the dirt bag and drop it on the pot. Now you have some dirt. Next step, you buy a seed and place in the pot, then you wait for the weed-plant to grow, and then you press e on it to harvest the plant.
After you harvest, you should receive 1-4 pieces of wet-weed, all about your config, wet-weed is useless, it can't be consumed or sold, so you need to dry the weed, to dry the weed, you need to purchase a microwave, so you place the wet-weed inside the microwave, and press e on it, the microwave will light up and emit a sound if it is drying the weed, when the microwave is done you press e on it again, then you should have a dry piece of weed.
Now if you want to sell the weed, you need to be careful you do not press e on it, else you will consume it, you need to foil the weed to be able to sell it, so you need to buy a foiler, then drop the weed on it, which just place the foil around the piece of weed. If you want to sell the weed, to other players there is a scale you can use, to figure out how much gram the piece of weed is, else you just sell it to the npc buyer.

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l'Actif 🥉
Level 1

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11 Avril 2020
je kiffe merci


l'Actif 🥉
Level 1

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11 Avril 2020


The Weed plant is a simple but a very useful and essential addon to have on your darkrp server, as it gives new and more controlled way of growing weed, by providing a whole list of features, that creates a new form for unique role-play, that needs to be experienced for you to understand.


The Weed plant is a simple but a very useful and essential addon to have on your DarkRP server, as it gives new and more controlled way of growing weed, by providing a whole list of features, that creates a new form for unique role-play, that needs to be experienced for you to understand.

  • DarkRP +2.5.
  • Optimized system.
  • Custom models.
  • Custom materials.
  • Content on steam workshop.
  • Unlimited config options.
  • Includes a Buyer and seller npc.
  • Choose between 2 shop themes.
  • Jar to dry premium weed.
  • Tent to grow premium weed.
  • Weed value based on how much gram a bag is.
  • Weed value depend on the buyer npc
  • Many upgrades, like visual animations.
  • Weed can be sold by clicking E on it (config option)
  • Features upgrades dirt upgrade, which is applied to a empty pot.
  • Features a scale, to weight your weed bag.
  • Feature a wet weed feature, where you need to dry your weed after it come off the plant.
  • Detailed microwave, with visual and sound effect when you dry weed.
  • Weed can be consumed if it is dry, but cannot be consumed when bagged.
  • Weed can be sold, if you have bagged the weed, in the foil machine.

You go to the npc seller/f4menu, then you purchase a pot, after you purchase a pot, then you need some dirt, so you purchase the dirt bag and drop it on the pot. Now you have some dirt. Next step, you buy a seed and place in the pot, then you wait for the weed-plant to grow, and then you press e on it to harvest the plant.
After you harvest, you should receive 1-4 pieces of wet-weed, all about your config, wet-weed is useless, it can't be consumed or sold, so you need to dry the weed, to dry the weed, you need to purchase a microwave, so you place the wet-weed inside the microwave, and press e on it, the microwave will light up and emit a sound if it is drying the weed, when the microwave is done you press e on it again, then you should have a dry piece of weed.
Now if you want to sell the weed, you need to be careful you do not press e on it, else you will consume it, you need to foil the weed to be able to sell it, so you need to buy a foiler, then drop the weed on it, which just place the foil around the piece of weed. If you want to sell the weed, to other players there is a scale you can use, to figure out how much gram the piece of weed is, else you just sell it to the npc buyer.

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Membre 🏅
Level 1

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19 Avril 2020


The Weed plant is a simple but a very useful and essential addon to have on your darkrp server, as it gives new and more controlled way of growing weed, by providing a whole list of features, that creates a new form for unique role-play, that needs to be experienced for you to understand.


The Weed plant is a simple but a very useful and essential addon to have on your DarkRP server, as it gives new and more controlled way of growing weed, by providing a whole list of features, that creates a new form for unique role-play, that needs to be experienced for you to understand.

  • DarkRP +2.5.
  • Optimized system.
  • Custom models.
  • Custom materials.
  • Content on steam workshop.
  • Unlimited config options.
  • Includes a Buyer and seller npc.
  • Choose between 2 shop themes.
  • Jar to dry premium weed.
  • Tent to grow premium weed.
  • Weed value based on how much gram a bag is.
  • Weed value depend on the buyer npc
  • Many upgrades, like visual animations.
  • Weed can be sold by clicking E on it (config option)
  • Features upgrades dirt upgrade, which is applied to a empty pot.
  • Features a scale, to weight your weed bag.
  • Feature a wet weed feature, where you need to dry your weed after it come off the plant.
  • Detailed microwave, with visual and sound effect when you dry weed.
  • Weed can be consumed if it is dry, but cannot be consumed when bagged.
  • Weed can be sold, if you have bagged the weed, in the foil machine.

You go to the npc seller/f4menu, then you purchase a pot, after you purchase a pot, then you need some dirt, so you purchase the dirt bag and drop it on the pot. Now you have some dirt. Next step, you buy a seed and place in the pot, then you wait for the weed-plant to grow, and then you press e on it to harvest the plant.
After you harvest, you should receive 1-4 pieces of wet-weed, all about your config, wet-weed is useless, it can't be consumed or sold, so you need to dry the weed, to dry the weed, you need to purchase a microwave, so you place the wet-weed inside the microwave, and press e on it, the microwave will light up and emit a sound if it is drying the weed, when the microwave is done you press e on it again, then you should have a dry piece of weed.
Now if you want to sell the weed, you need to be careful you do not press e on it, else you will consume it, you need to foil the weed to be able to sell it, so you need to buy a foiler, then drop the weed on it, which just place the foil around the piece of weed. If you want to sell the weed, to other players there is a scale you can use, to figure out how much gram the piece of weed is, else you just sell it to the npc buyer.

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l'Affirmé 🥈
Level 1

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10 Juin 2018
Merci beaucoup mec tu me sauves mon serveur !


Master 🏆
Level 1

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4 Février 2016
C'est pas mal ! merci mec


Membre 🏅
Level 1

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1 Avril 2020
[QUOTE = "καρδίλέωντας Cn, post: 160505, member: 3592"]


The Weed Plant - это простой, но очень полезный и необходимый аддон для вашего сервера darkrp, так как он предоставляет новый и более контролируемый способ выращивания сорняков, предоставляя полный список функций, который создает новую форму для уникальной ролевой игры. , это нужно пережить, чтобы вы поняли.


The Weed Plant - это простая, но очень полезная и необходимая надстройка на вашем сервере DarkRP, поскольку она предоставляет новый и более контролируемый способ выращивания сорняков, предоставляя полный список функций, который создает новую форму для уникальной ролевой игры. , это нужно пережить, чтобы вы поняли.

  • DarkRP +2,5.
  • Оптимизированная система.
  • Пользовательские модели.
  • Нестандартные материалы.
  • Содержание на паровой мастерской.
  • Неограниченные параметры конфигурации.
  • Включает покупателя и продавца NPC.
  • Выберите между 2 темами магазина.
  • Баночка для сушки сорняков высшего сорта.
  • Палатка для выращивания премиальных сорняков.
  • Значение сорняков в зависимости от того, сколько грамм в сумке.
  • Стоимость сорняков зависит от покупателя NPC
  • Многие обновления, такие как визуальная анимация.
  • Траву можно продать, нажав на нее букву E (опция конфигурации)
  • Особенности апгрейдов улучшают грязь, которая применяется к пустому банку.
  • Имеет весы для взвешивания вашего мешка с сорняками.
  • Используйте функцию мокрых сорняков, где вам нужно высушить сорняки после того, как они оторвались от растения.
  • Детальная микроволновая печь, с визуальным и звуковым эффектом при сушке сорняков.
  • Сорняк можно употреблять, если он сухой, но нельзя употреблять в мешках.
  • Трава может быть продана, если вы упаковали ее в пленочную машину.

Вы идете к продавцу NPC / f4menu, затем вы покупаете горшок, после того, как вы покупаете горшок, вам нужно немного грязи, поэтому вы покупаете мешок для грязи и бросаете его на горшок. Теперь у вас есть немного грязи. На следующем шаге вы покупаете семена и помещаете их в горшок, затем ждете, когда вырастет сорняк, и затем вы нажимаете на него, чтобы собрать растение.
После того, как вы соберете урожай, вы должны получить 1-4 кусочка мокрой травы, все о вашей конфигурации, влажная трава бесполезна, ее нельзя употреблять или продавать, поэтому вам нужно высушить траву, высушить травку, вы необходимо купить микроволновую печь, чтобы вы поместили влажный сорняк в микроволновую печь и нажали на нее кнопку e, микроволновая печь загорится и издаст звук, если сушит сорняк; когда микроволновая печь будет готова, вы снова нажмете на нее e тогда у вас должен быть сухой кусочек сорняков.
Теперь, если вы хотите продать сорняк, вы должны быть осторожны, не нажимайте на нее, иначе вы будете ее потреблять, вам нужно помешать сорняку, чтобы иметь возможность ее продать, поэтому вам нужно купить фольгу, а затем уроните сорняк на него, который просто поместите фольгу вокруг кусочка сорняков. Если вы хотите продать сорняк, другим игрокам есть шкала, которую вы можете использовать, чтобы выяснить, сколько грамм кусочка сорняков, в противном случае вы просто продаете его покупателю NPC.

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Membre 🏅
Level 2

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7 Mai 2020


The Weed plant is a simple but a very useful and essential addon to have on your darkrp server, as it gives new and more controlled way of growing weed, by providing a whole list of features, that creates a new form for unique role-play, that needs to be experienced for you to understand.


The Weed plant is a simple but a very useful and essential addon to have on your DarkRP server, as it gives new and more controlled way of growing weed, by providing a whole list of features, that creates a new form for unique role-play, that needs to be experienced for you to understand.

  • DarkRP +2.5.
  • Optimized system.
  • Custom models.
  • Custom materials.
  • Content on steam workshop.
  • Unlimited config options.
  • Includes a Buyer and seller npc.
  • Choose between 2 shop themes.
  • Jar to dry premium weed.
  • Tent to grow premium weed.
  • Weed value based on how much gram a bag is.
  • Weed value depend on the buyer npc
  • Many upgrades, like visual animations.
  • Weed can be sold by clicking E on it (config option)
  • Features upgrades dirt upgrade, which is applied to a empty pot.
  • Features a scale, to weight your weed bag.
  • Feature a wet weed feature, where you need to dry your weed after it come off the plant.
  • Detailed microwave, with visual and sound effect when you dry weed.
  • Weed can be consumed if it is dry, but cannot be consumed when bagged.
  • Weed can be sold, if you have bagged the weed, in the foil machine.

You go to the npc seller/f4menu, then you purchase a pot, after you purchase a pot, then you need some dirt, so you purchase the dirt bag and drop it on the pot. Now you have some dirt. Next step, you buy a seed and place in the pot, then you wait for the weed-plant to grow, and then you press e on it to harvest the plant.
After you harvest, you should receive 1-4 pieces of wet-weed, all about your config, wet-weed is useless, it can't be consumed or sold, so you need to dry the weed, to dry the weed, you need to purchase a microwave, so you place the wet-weed inside the microwave, and press e on it, the microwave will light up and emit a sound if it is drying the weed, when the microwave is done you press e on it again, then you should have a dry piece of weed.
Now if you want to sell the weed, you need to be careful you do not press e on it, else you will consume it, you need to foil the weed to be able to sell it, so you need to buy a foiler, then drop the weed on it, which just place the foil around the piece of weed. If you want to sell the weed, to other players there is a scale you can use, to figure out how much gram the piece of weed is, else you just sell it to the npc buyer.

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JE vais tester tout ça il à 'air stylée


l'Affirmé 🥈
Level 1

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17 Mars 2020
merci pour cette addon


Master 🏆
Level 1

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22 Janvier 2018
thanks for this man!


Membre 🏅
Level 1

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12 Avril 2020

Alex Kost

Roi des Grenouilles
Level 2

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26 Février 2019
Franchement Propre cette addon x)
Bien vu pour le partage


Alex Kost
Le plus BG
Roi des Grenouilles

alexis pouleur

Master 🏆
Level 1

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27 Mars 2018


The Weed plant is a simple but a very useful and essential addon to have on your darkrp server, as it gives new and more controlled way of growing weed, by providing a whole list of features, that creates a new form for unique role-play, that needs to be experienced for you to understand.


The Weed plant is a simple but a very useful and essential addon to have on your DarkRP server, as it gives new and more controlled way of growing weed, by providing a whole list of features, that creates a new form for unique role-play, that needs to be experienced for you to understand.

  • DarkRP +2.5.
  • Optimized system.
  • Custom models.
  • Custom materials.
  • Content on steam workshop.
  • Unlimited config options.
  • Includes a Buyer and seller npc.
  • Choose between 2 shop themes.
  • Jar to dry premium weed.
  • Tent to grow premium weed.
  • Weed value based on how much gram a bag is.
  • Weed value depend on the buyer npc
  • Many upgrades, like visual animations.
  • Weed can be sold by clicking E on it (config option)
  • Features upgrades dirt upgrade, which is applied to a empty pot.
  • Features a scale, to weight your weed bag.
  • Feature a wet weed feature, where you need to dry your weed after it come off the plant.
  • Detailed microwave, with visual and sound effect when you dry weed.
  • Weed can be consumed if it is dry, but cannot be consumed when bagged.
  • Weed can be sold, if you have bagged the weed, in the foil machine.

You go to the npc seller/f4menu, then you purchase a pot, after you purchase a pot, then you need some dirt, so you purchase the dirt bag and drop it on the pot. Now you have some dirt. Next step, you buy a seed and place in the pot, then you wait for the weed-plant to grow, and then you press e on it to harvest the plant.
After you harvest, you should receive 1-4 pieces of wet-weed, all about your config, wet-weed is useless, it can't be consumed or sold, so you need to dry the weed, to dry the weed, you need to purchase a microwave, so you place the wet-weed inside the microwave, and press e on it, the microwave will light up and emit a sound if it is drying the weed, when the microwave is done you press e on it again, then you should have a dry piece of weed.
Now if you want to sell the weed, you need to be careful you do not press e on it, else you will consume it, you need to foil the weed to be able to sell it, so you need to buy a foiler, then drop the weed on it, which just place the foil around the piece of weed. If you want to sell the weed, to other players there is a scale you can use, to figure out how much gram the piece of weed is, else you just sell it to the npc buyer.

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Membre 🏅
Level 1

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4 Janvier 2020


Master 🏆
Level 2

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23 Avril 2018


The Weed plant is a simple but a very useful and essential addon to have on your darkrp server, as it gives new and more controlled way of growing weed, by providing a whole list of features, that creates a new form for unique role-play, that needs to be experienced for you to understand.


The Weed plant is a simple but a very useful and essential addon to have on your DarkRP server, as it gives new and more controlled way of growing weed, by providing a whole list of features, that creates a new form for unique role-play, that needs to be experienced for you to understand.

  • DarkRP +2.5.
  • Optimized system.
  • Custom models.
  • Custom materials.
  • Content on steam workshop.
  • Unlimited config options.
  • Includes a Buyer and seller npc.
  • Choose between 2 shop themes.
  • Jar to dry premium weed.
  • Tent to grow premium weed.
  • Weed value based on how much gram a bag is.
  • Weed value depend on the buyer npc
  • Many upgrades, like visual animations.
  • Weed can be sold by clicking E on it (config option)
  • Features upgrades dirt upgrade, which is applied to a empty pot.
  • Features a scale, to weight your weed bag.
  • Feature a wet weed feature, where you need to dry your weed after it come off the plant.
  • Detailed microwave, with visual and sound effect when you dry weed.
  • Weed can be consumed if it is dry, but cannot be consumed when bagged.
  • Weed can be sold, if you have bagged the weed, in the foil machine.

You go to the npc seller/f4menu, then you purchase a pot, after you purchase a pot, then you need some dirt, so you purchase the dirt bag and drop it on the pot. Now you have some dirt. Next step, you buy a seed and place in the pot, then you wait for the weed-plant to grow, and then you press e on it to harvest the plant.
After you harvest, you should receive 1-4 pieces of wet-weed, all about your config, wet-weed is useless, it can't be consumed or sold, so you need to dry the weed, to dry the weed, you need to purchase a microwave, so you place the wet-weed inside the microwave, and press e on it, the microwave will light up and emit a sound if it is drying the weed, when the microwave is done you press e on it again, then you should have a dry piece of weed.
Now if you want to sell the weed, you need to be careful you do not press e on it, else you will consume it, you need to foil the weed to be able to sell it, so you need to buy a foiler, then drop the weed on it, which just place the foil around the piece of weed. If you want to sell the weed, to other players there is a scale you can use, to figure out how much gram the piece of weed is, else you just sell it to the npc buyer.

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l'Actif 🥉
Level 1

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21 Juin 2020


The Weed plant is a simple but a very useful and essential addon to have on your darkrp server, as it gives new and more controlled way of growing weed, by providing a whole list of features, that creates a new form for unique role-play, that needs to be experienced for you to understand.


The Weed plant is a simple but a very useful and essential addon to have on your DarkRP server, as it gives new and more controlled way of growing weed, by providing a whole list of features, that creates a new form for unique role-play, that needs to be experienced for you to understand.

  • DarkRP +2.5.
  • Optimized system.
  • Custom models.
  • Custom materials.
  • Content on steam workshop.
  • Unlimited config options.
  • Includes a Buyer and seller npc.
  • Choose between 2 shop themes.
  • Jar to dry premium weed.
  • Tent to grow premium weed.
  • Weed value based on how much gram a bag is.
  • Weed value depend on the buyer npc
  • Many upgrades, like visual animations.
  • Weed can be sold by clicking E on it (config option)
  • Features upgrades dirt upgrade, which is applied to a empty pot.
  • Features a scale, to weight your weed bag.
  • Feature a wet weed feature, where you need to dry your weed after it come off the plant.
  • Detailed microwave, with visual and sound effect when you dry weed.
  • Weed can be consumed if it is dry, but cannot be consumed when bagged.
  • Weed can be sold, if you have bagged the weed, in the foil machine.

You go to the npc seller/f4menu, then you purchase a pot, after you purchase a pot, then you need some dirt, so you purchase the dirt bag and drop it on the pot. Now you have some dirt. Next step, you buy a seed and place in the pot, then you wait for the weed-plant to grow, and then you press e on it to harvest the plant.
After you harvest, you should receive 1-4 pieces of wet-weed, all about your config, wet-weed is useless, it can't be consumed or sold, so you need to dry the weed, to dry the weed, you need to purchase a microwave, so you place the wet-weed inside the microwave, and press e on it, the microwave will light up and emit a sound if it is drying the weed, when the microwave is done you press e on it again, then you should have a dry piece of weed.
Now if you want to sell the weed, you need to be careful you do not press e on it, else you will consume it, you need to foil the weed to be able to sell it, so you need to buy a foiler, then drop the weed on it, which just place the foil around the piece of weed. If you want to sell the weed, to other players there is a scale you can use, to figure out how much gram the piece of weed is, else you just sell it to the npc buyer.

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Master 🏆
Level 2

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15 Décembre 2015
Merci du partage, tu gères ^^
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